To reflect prevailing inflationary conditions,
it is proposed that the Building Control fees are uplifted by 6.7%
This fee uplift is required in order to ensure the continuation of
an effective service and to maintain cost recovery for Building
Control activity.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/11/2023
Decision due: 14 Nov 2023 by Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Regeneration
Reason: To reflect prevailing inflationary conditions, it is proposed that the Building Control fees are uplifted by 6.7% This fee uplift is required in order to ensure the continuation of an effective service and to maintain cost recovery for Building Contr
Introduce an overall rise of Building Control fees by 6.7%, effective from 1st April 2024
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Regeneration
All Ward and also agreed by North Devon
Council (Our Partner Organisation)
Financial, Legal and Equality Issues: The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) guidance sub-divides the Building Control Service into chargeable and non-chargeable activities. The Local Authority costs charged to the chargeable activities are those that relate solely to the issue of statutory Building Regulation notices relating to deposited applications and the carrying out of statutory site inspections. All other costs are charged to the Non-Chargeable Activities. 75% of the costs incurred by Building Control are related to this core activity The Regulations cited as the Building (Local Authority Charges) Regulations 2010, require each Local Authority to prepare a scheme for the recovery of Building Control Charges with a view to ensuring that the chargeable activities are self-financing over any consecutive three to five year period.
Risk Assessment: Any increase in fees can impact on marketshare adversely impacting the profitability of the service. However, benchmarking with other Local Authorities has recently been carried out and the fees remain competitive. The fee increase is deemed necessary in order to continue to provide the level and quality of service required. The risk of not increasing fees, and thereby losing skills/capacity, is deemed to be higher than the risk associated with increasing fees.