Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Cabinet had before it, and NOTED, a report * from the Corporate Performance and Improvement Manager and the Head of People, Performance and Waste providing Members with a quarterly update on the Corporate Risk Register.
The Cabinet Member for Housing, Assets and Property and Deputy Leader outlined the contents of the report and highlighted the following issues:
· This report presented the Council’s current corporate risks with their updated position as of July. These were the risks which had been identified by Council officers that may be most likely to impact the Council meeting its objectives.
· At paragraph 2.1 of the report there was a summary table of the 18 corporate risks that the Council was currently managing. These were now presented with a trend arrow, indicating any change in the risk rating since it was last reviewed by Cabinet.
· Significant changes to the risk register since it was last reported to Cabinet included:
o The risk rating for the Homes for Ukraine scheme had decreased from 9 to 4 reflecting the excellent mitigation now in place – with ten new properties available to help with any issues, and Government funding schemes being continued.
o Risks around workforce shortage had increased, particularly related to ongoing pay talks. However, this was not an unusual position for the Council to be in, and officers were comfortable managing these risks.
· Since the report was published, there had been announcements regarding Cullompton Station and this would impact all the relevant risks when they were next reviewed by Council officers.
Discussion took place with regard to:
· The recent government announcement regarding the withdrawal of funding for the re-opening of the Cullompton Railway Station. Whilst the Council had expressed its disappointment at this news it had had a strong business case and would continue to work with partners since this was a project with significant local value. The Council remained cautiously optimistic for the future. The withdrawal of funding was part of a national programme but it was hoped the funding could be found from elsewhere. This would be an essential piece of infrastructure needed to support the building and occupation of new homes which was a key objective of the new government.
· The Cabinet were reassured that the Council’s Climate Strategy and Action Plan would be developed over the next few months and the Planning Policy Advisory Group, the Net Zero Advisory Group and the Planning, Environment & Sustainability Policy Development Group would play a key part in its development. External engagement would also have an important role to play.
Note: * Report previously circulated.
Publication date: 30/08/2024
Date of decision: 27/08/2024
Decided at meeting: 27/08/2024 - Cabinet
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