Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Cabinet had before it a report * from the Operations Manager for People Services and the Head of People, Performance and Waste. Following the publication of the ‘Keep on Caring’ policy document in 2016, the Council had the opportunity to cement its commitment to Care Leavers by signing the Care Leaver Friendly Employer Charter. This commitment would follow examples set elsewhere within the county and emphasise the Council’s commitment to supporting care experienced young people in the Mid Devon area.
The Cabinet Member for People, Development and Deputy Leader outlined the contents of the report and commented on the following:
· The report provided an overview of the Care Leaver Friendly Employer Charter. In 2016 the Government’s ‘Keep on Caring’ policy document was published with the aim to support young people from care to independence. As part of this policy, a pledge was made to introduce the national Care Leaver Covenant. In agreeing to the Charter put forward, the Council would be making a commitment in the areas of Recruitment, Tracking and Development to Care Leavers in the Mid Devon area.
· As a part of this, Care Leavers would be offered the chance of an interview if they applied for a vacancy and even if not successful the experience would be of value to them.
Discussion took place regarding:
· This approach was felt to be a very sensible and pragmatic starting point having signed up to the Care Leaver Covenant.
· This was an exciting opportunity to support Care Leavers, however, it would require long term commitment as sadly there would always be a need.
· The next step would be to look to see what other local authorities were doing, to develop best practice and see if the Council could improve on what it was currently offering.
a) Mid Devon District Council signs the Care Leaver Friendly Employer Charter as outlined in Appendix 1.
b) Delegated responsibility be given to the Head of People, Performance and Waste to sign the Charter on behalf of the Council.
c) Delegated responsibility be given to the Head of People, Performance and Waste to implement policy/guidance to develop our employment offer to Care Leavers.
(Proposed by the Deputy Leader, Cllr J Lock)
Note: * Report previously circulated.
Publication date: 30/08/2024
Date of decision: 27/08/2024
Decided at meeting: 27/08/2024 - Cabinet
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