Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Cabinet had before it a report * from the Operations Manager for Street Scene and Open Spaces and the Head of People, Performance and Waste setting out future options regarding the provision of the Waste and Recycling service to the residents of Mid Devon.
The Cabinet Member for Service Delivery and Continuous Improvement outlined the contents of the report with particular reference to the following:
· This report examined some of the potential options regarding future recycling activity that could be offered to residents above and on top of what the service already offered. This had been a key area of interest for Members and the report should be read alongside the Review of Bin-It 123 and would build upon what the scheme had already established.
· The Council was keen to get feedback and views on the different options put forward. Any options that the administration wanted the service to seriously consider in terms of taking forwards would need to be both properly costed and have the full practical implications of the collection considered in terms of its potential implementation.The Service Delivery and Continuous Improvement PDG had recommended that the Council prioritise looking at the options regarding collecting pots and pans as well as disposable nappies.
Discussion took place regarding:
· Any investigations would be reported back through the Service Delivery and Continuous Improvement PDG in the first instance.
· Local authorities were able to charge, through a S106 Agreement, for the cost of receptacles to protect their services, however, this could have the effect of reducing funding for other projects. This was an inevitable risk.
· As this was a key public facing service, consideration needed to be given to more publicity and public engagement. It was noted that recent public engagement events had been very positively received and more was planned for the future. This was a key priority moving forwards.
· A possible trial for the recycling of pots and pans was being considered in the near future.
· The importance of recycling nappies as well as adult sanitary products was accepted.
Further investigation be undertaken regarding the financial and practical feasibility of introducing the following practices in the District:
a. Soft plastic (flexibles) collections
b. Nappy waste collections
c. Collecting used coffee pods
d. Collecting unwanted metal pots and pans
e. A chargeable scheme to allow residents the ability to place extra waste out for collection
f. Charging new house builders for new bins and containers to each property
g. Increased publicity
h. Enhanced education in schools and with the residents of Mid Devon
(Proposed by Cllr J Wright and seconded by Cllr N Bradshaw)
Note: * Report previously circulated.
Publication date: 30/08/2024
Date of decision: 27/08/2024
Decided at meeting: 27/08/2024 - Cabinet
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