46 Net Zero Working Group Update (00.47.21) PDF 61 KB
The Chairman of the Net Zero Working Group to provide an update on action to date and future plans and the Group to agree that Cllr E J Berry be a full member of the Working Group.
The Group had before it and NOTED the *Terms of Reference for the Net Zero Working Group and the Chair of the group, Cllr Ms E Wainwright, explained that the project outline was dynamic and that it would be adapted as the Climate Change situation progressed.
She explained that the Working Group had two main themes, the first being establish how the Authority could reduce its own emissions and secondly how the Authority could facilitate net zero carbon initiatives information across the district.
She informed the PDG that the Working Group were looking at getting Net Zero Carbon information onto a shared platform and that a new webpage on the Council’s website had been commissioned to signpost public and community groups. She explained that Members should be encouraging residents to engage with the DCC Taskforce call for evidence and that when that evidence was presented the Authority could look at ideas which directly affected Mid Devon. The next stages would be a press release early in the New Year explaining what the Council had already achieved to reduce its carbon footprint and to conduct a mapping exercise to connect all the community groups together.
She explained that the Group would meet again in the New Year.
The Group AGREED that Cllr E J Berry be formally adopted onto the Working Group.
(Proposed by the Chairman).
Note: *Terms of Reference previously circulated and attached to the minutes.