65 Budget (0.10.21) PDF 117 KB
To receive a report previously considered by the Cabinet on 7 January 2021 and discuss any further changes that the PDG may require prior to the formal recommendation of the budget proposals to Cabinet and Council in February.
Additional documents:
The Group had before it, and NOTED, the *Budget report for 2021/2022 from the Deputy Chief Executive (S151).
The Group Manager for Finance stated that this was the second draft of the budget and that the deficit had reduced from an excess of £3m to £490k and included the impact of the Governments funding settlement.
He explained that Government funding for the pandemic via the Income Compensation Scheme had been extended to the end of June 2021.
He further explained that it remained a very volatile period and that the unknown impact of the ongoing Covid crisis may vary the numbers further.
Some of the £490k deficit would need to be met from reserves but Members were asked to consider that the deficit for 2022-2023 was forecast as £3m.
Members were asked to highlight any savings which could be considered to reduce the deficit for 2021-2022 and beyond.
Consideration was given to:
· Business rate return implications and how these could be mitigated
· What were acceptable services levels and how these could be determined
· Members concerns with regard to using reserves to reduce the budget deficit
Note: *The budget report previously circulated and attached to the minutes