To consider a report of the Head of Planning, Regeneration and Economy seeking approval to engage consultants to progress the production of the East Cullompton Masterplan SPD and Culm Garden Village Framework Masterplan, including the commissioning of necessary evidence base reports.
The Cabinet had before it a *report of the Head of Planning, Regeneration and Economy seeking approval to engage consultants to progress the production of the East Cullompton Masterplan SPD and Culm Garden Village Framework Masterplan, including the commissioning of necessary evidence base reports.
The Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Regeneration outlined the contents of the report stating that the appointment of consultants was to build on the engagement and work done to date.
He stated that the engagement work to date identified a number of priorities that needed to be addressed within the Masterplans. These included:
1) should be landscape-led, building on the area’s natural assets and creating quality green and blue infrastructure.
2) Climate change, including opportunities for low carbon development, should be a key focus for the development.
3) Natural flood management and sustainable urban drainage should form a key aspect of flood risk mitigation.
4) Active transport (walking, cycling, public transport) should be the main transport choice.
5) The garden village should promote links (physical, social and economic) with Cullompton.
6) The garden village should be self-sustaining with good employment and skills opportunities.
7) Urban design should focus on a high quality living environment, taking into account the health and well-being of future residents.
Consideration was given to:
· How the gap in the wider proposed allocation could be plugged following the demise in the Greater Exeter Strategic Plan
· If additional sites could be fast tracked through the system
· A need to update the Local Development Scheme
a) Delegated authority be given to the Head of Planning, Economy and Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Regeneration to engage consultants to progress the production of the East Cullompton Masterplan SPD and Culm Garden Village Framework Masterplan, including the commissioning of associated evidence base reports.
(Proposed by Cllr C R Slade and seconded by Cllr D J Knowles)
Reason for the Decision: The first phase of public consultation has been undertaken. The engagement of consultants is necessary to develop the draft East Cullompton Masterplan SPD and draft Culm Garden Village Framework Masterplan SPD ahead of the second stage of public consultation.
Note : *report previously circulated and attached to the minutes