268 Strategic Planning (00-47-17) PDF 161 KB
To consider a report of the Head of Planning, Economy and Regeneration setting out options for future joint strategic planning arrangements with partner authorities in the Exeter Housing Market Area and Travel to Work Area. The recommendations sought are to agree a preferred approach.
The Cabinet had before it a *report of the Head of Planning, Economy and Regeneration setting out options for future joint strategic planning arrangements with partner authorities in the Exeter Housing Market Area and Travel to Work Area.
The Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Regeneration outlined the contents of the report stating that recent decisions made by East Devon District Council to withdraw from the preparation of the Greater Exeter Strategic Plan, and subsequently by this Council to prepare a revised joint strategic plan had meant that there was a need to consider alternative approaches for joint strategic planning across the Greater Exeter area.
The purpose of this report was to seek a recommendation from Cabinet to Council to support in principle a preferred alternative approach. This would involve the production of a joint non-statutory plan, to include joint strategy and infrastructure matters, for the Greater Exeter area in partnership with Exeter, East Devon, Teignbridge and Devon County Councils. He outlined options and stated that the there was significant benefit in continuing to work jointly on strategic planning across Mid Devon, East Devon, Exeter and Teignbridge. The city and 3 districts had shared housing market and travel to work areas, and there was a need for cooperation to help achieve a coordinated approach over cross-border strategic planning issues and the provision of infrastructure.
A non-statutory joint strategy and infrastructure plan would provide a co-ordinated response to the area’s strategic economic, climate, housing, environmental and issues and help to secure central government investment.
A non-statutory joint strategy and infrastructure plan would be fundamentally different from the Greater Exeter Strategic Plan since it would not be subject to a formal plan making process, and it would not identify strategic site allocations. It would sit alongside the preparation of separate Local Plans prepared by each of the 4 Councils which would provide the statutory policies, development targets and site allocations for each district.
RECOMMENDED to Council that: in principle the production of a joint non-statutory plan be supported, to include joint strategy and infrastructure matters, for the Greater Exeter area in partnership with Exeter, East Devon, Teignbridge and Devon County Councils. This will be subject to agreement of details of the scope of the plan, a timetable for its production, the resources required, and governance arrangements to be agreed at a later date.
(Proposed by Cllr R J Chesterton and seconded by Cllr C R Slade)
Reason for decision – To recommend to Council the most appropriate way to take forward sub-regional spatial planning and collaboration across the housing market area in light of previous Council decisions on this subject.
Note: *Report previously circulated, copy attached to minutes.