49 Tree Policy (1-01-46) PDF 182 KB
Arising from a report of the Corporate Manager for Property Leisure and Climate Change; the Environment Policy Development Group have made the following recommendation:
That the revised Tree Policy be adopted as attached in Annexe A for five years subject to minor amendments made by the Environment Policy Development Group including the possibility for some stock to be removed to allow the growth of new trees in the area which would keep the woodlands sustainable.
Additional documents:
Arising from a *report of the Corporate Manager for Property Leisure and Climate Change; the Environment Policy Development Group had made the following recommendation:
That the revised Tree Policy be adopted as attached in Annexe A for five years subject to minor amendments made by the Environment Policy Development Group including the possibility for some stock to be removed to allow the growth of new trees in the area which would keep the woodlands sustainable.
The Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change outlined the contents of the report and the revised policy explaining that the policy covered trees on land owned or leased by the Council and how those trees would be managed.
Consideration was given to how the policy was focused on trees but that vegetation and wildlife to do with all plants should be considered – the Corporate Manager for Property, Leisure and Climate Change stated that this could be added to the Climate Strategy.
RESOLVED that: the recommendation of the Policy Development Group be approved.
(Proposed by Cllr C R Slade and seconded by Cllr B A Moore)
Reason for the decision - to ensure that the Council has a Policy to manage its tree stock and ensures that inherent risk associated with trees is managed.
i) Cllr B A Moore declared a personal interest as a Member of ‘Plant Life’;
ii) *Report previously circulated, copy attached to minutes.
12 Tree Policy (0.50.46) PDF 180 KB
To receive the 5 yearly review of the Tree Policy and recommend adoption to the Cabinet.
Additional documents:
The Group had before it a *report of the Corporate Manager for Property, Leisure and Climate Change providing details of the revised Tree Policy.
The Corporate Manager for Property, Leisure and Climate Change gave the Group an overview of the Tree Policy and stated that the Policy covered only Council owned trees. It did not include those trees subject to Tree Protection Orders (TPO’s), privately owned trees or high hedges. The Policy was a useful guide for the public and customer services officers alike.
The officer informed the Group that permission would not normally be given to prune or remove trees because of:
a) Leaf fall
b) Fruit fall
c) Bird droppings
d) Interference with TV signals
e) They block a view
f) They cause an acceptable level of shading
g) Fears that they may damage a building or surface with no evidence
h) Aphid infestation (Honeydew)
i) Because they are considered by some to be too tall
j) Because they overhang an adjacent property, where no damage is likely (each case is assessed individually)
k) They are shading solar panels
Members requested an addition to the Policy so that it would be possible for some stock to be removed to allow the growth of new trees in the area which would keep the woodlands sustainable. The Officer agreed to add this addition.
Consideration was given to:
It was therefore RECOMMENDED to the Cabinet that:
· The revised Tree Policy be adopted as attached in annex A for five years subject to minor amendments suggested by the Environment PDG
(Proposed by the Chairman)
Reason for the decision: To ensure that the Council has a Policy to manage its tree stock and ensures that inherent risk associated with trees is managed.
Note: *Report previously circulated and attached to the minutes