To consider a report of the Menopause Working Group which includes recommendations to the Head of Paid Service
The Committee had before it the *report of the Scrutiny Officer presenting the final report of the Scrutiny Committee Menopause Working Group.
The Chairman of the Working Group thanked Members, staff and officers for the work that had been done on the Working Group.
Therefore it was RECOMMENDED to the Head of Paid Service:
1. That MDDC introduces ‘Wellbeing Ambassadors’. These will be members of staff who will be supported by relevant training to be able to provide advice to employees on a range of issues, including menopause, mental health and other workplace issues. Ambassadors should have clear knowledge about where to signpost staff for further support if necessary.
2. That a review of support available to staff with menopause symptoms takes place. This could include whether desk fans are too large and how to ensure all staff know how to regulate the temperature in meeting rooms. Consideration should also be given to ensuring understanding needs of staff not working in an office space, and whether the current unisex toilets could be changed.
3. That MDDC has an awareness raising campaign on the menopause to normalise the issue and make staff aware of the support available. This could be through posters, internal communications and utilisation of the Wellbeing Ambassadors.
4. That a MDDC work place policy on the menopause is drawn up, agreed and promoted to all staff. The policy should help signpost support and links to other relevant policies as well as include clarity around: options available for staff experiencing symptoms; how to log time taken off; options for flexible working including the ability to work out of hours if needed.
5. That all line managers receive menopause in the workplace training. This will help ensure line managers are clear about the symptoms and impact of the menopause, as well as the support available to staff. A booklet for staff and line managers should also be produced as guidance on options available.
6. That an online forum is set up, for staff and/or line managers as a safe space to discuss with other employees problems and issues they are having
(Proposed by the Chairman)
Reason for the Decision – To enable the recommendations of the Working Group to be progressed.
Note: *Report previously circulated and attached to the minutes