342 Options for the Procurement of Energy (00-19-20) PDF 598 KB
To consider a report of the Corporate Manager for Property, Leisure and Climate Change providing an overview of the options available for the supply of gas and electricity to the Council.
Additional documents:
The Cabinet had before it a * report of the Corporate Manager for Property, Leisure and Climate Change providing an overview of the options available for the supply of gas and electricity to the Council.
The Cabinet Member for Finance outlined the contents of the report stating that the energy supply contract for the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account for gas and electricity had a break date of 1 October 2021 and a six month termination notice would need to be exercised. There was a need to procure energy for the next 3 years. LASER was a specialist trading arm within Kent County Council and was dedicated to delivering gas, electricity and other utility services for the public sector. He explained the value for money exercise that had taken place and the results of the ongoing carbon footprint assessment for the Council.
He praised the work of the former Cabinet Member for Climate Change for her input into the report and highlighted that there was a need for the Council to continue to improve its carbon footprint.
1) Delegated authority be given to the Cabinet Member for Finance, in consultation with the Corporate Manager for Property, Leisure and Climate Change, to continue with the LASER energy framework covering the purchase of Gas and Electricity between 01/10/2021 and 30/09/2024; and
2) Delegated authority be given to the Corporate Manager for Property, Leisure and Climate Change to submit a letter of intent to participate in the Devon Energy Collective; and
3) To procure a further 50% of our electricity consumption via the ‘Green Basket’ under the LASER Framework for renewable energy for an additional £8k in the financial year 21/22.
(Proposed by Cllr B A Moore and seconded by Cllr C R Slade)
Reason for decision - By not exercising the break date on 01/10/2021 that requires 6 months’ notice, the Council will continue to be contractually obliged to use the LASER Framework until 30/09/2024. The decision is to continue to use the OJEU compliant framework and the Council is getting economies of scale by joining this collaborative procurement with other Devon authorities.
Note: *Report previously circulated, copy attached to minutes