13 Options for the Procurement of Electric Car Charging Units (00-55-39) PDF 459 KB
To consider a report of the Corporate Manager for Property, Leisure and Climate Change providing Cabinet with an overview of options available to the Council to facilitate an increased provision of electric vehicle (EV) charging points across the district.
Additional documents:
The Cabinet had before it a * report of the Corporate Manager for Property, Leisure and Climate Change providing Cabinet with an overview of options available to the Council to facilitate an increased provision of electric vehicle (EV) charging points across the district.
The Cabinet Member for the Environment and Climate Change outlined the contents of the report stating that charging points were available at the leisure centres and within the multi-storey car park in Tiverton and that other sites within council owned land had been identified in line with the work taking place on the climate emergency and reducing the carbon footprint across the district
Consideration was given to the information available on the various options for the next wave of EV rapid chargers and possible encouragement for car sharing which was highlighted within one of the options.
It was therefore:
RESOLVED that: delegated authority be given to the Deputy Chief Executive (151) and the Portfolio Holder(s) for the Environment & Climate Change and Finance, in consultation with Property Services to facilitate the installation of additional electric vehicle charging points on Council land and across the District.
(Proposed by Cllr C R Slade and seconded by Cllr R J Chesterton)
Reason for the decision – the Council has identified the provision of electric vehicle charger points as a priority action in its Climate Strategy, this decision will progress the installation of these units.
Note: *Report previously circulated and attached to the minutes.