10 Communication Strategy and Media and Social Media Protocol (00-31-56) PDF 109 KB
To receive a report of the Head of Customer Services providing Members with the new Communications Strategy and Media and Social Media Protocol for recommendation to Council.
Additional documents:
The Cabinet had before it a report * of the Head of Customer Services providing it with a new Communication Strategy and Media & Social Media Protocol for recommendation to Council.
The Cabinet Member for Community Well-Being outlined the contents of the report stating that it was important that there was effective communication with all our stakeholders, both internally and externally and that the strategy explained how the Local Authority would develop and maintain effective communication.
Internally this will be two-way communication between staff and between staff and elected Members. Externally there needed to be both one-way and two-way communication with the public and other key stakeholders. The Communication Strategy set out how this should be achieved and how to measure the success of the communication strategies used.
The Media and Social Media Protocol had been provided to give advice and guidance to officers and elected Members on how we will deal with media and social media.
Consideration was given to the need for better communication between officers and Members
RECOMMENDED to Council that the Communication Strategy and Media & Social Media Protocol be endorsed.
(Proposed Cllr C R Slade and seconded by Cllr P H D Hare-Scott)
Note: * Report previously circulated, copy attached to minutes.