63 The use of Flexible Tenancies (00:07:00) PDF 279 KB
To receive a report from the Corporate Manager for Public Health, Regulation and Housing. The use of flexible tenancies can be challenging and this report sets out some of the issues impacting their use. Members are asked to give consideration as to whether or not they would like Mid Devon Housing (MDH) to undertake further research and to work up a project plan setting out a proposal to consult tenants and other stakeholders on the continued use of these tenancies.
The Group had before it a report * from the Corporate Manager for Public Health, Regulation and Housing.
The officer outlined the contents of the report and highlighted the following:
· There were challenges using the Flexible Tenancy scheme as it currently existed and officers were keen to undertake further research to determine the best way forwards. The arguments for and against the use of Flexible Tenancies, as set out in the report, were reiterated. An analysis needed to be undertaken as to whether the current scheme should continue in its current format, or whether a more blended approach would be helpful or whether to phase the scheme out completely and replace it with something more workable. More research was needed.
· A number of legislative changes had taken place over the past 10 years however the Council would continue to offer 1-year introductory tenancies and long-term secure tenancies if flexible tenure was removed.
· Many other registered providers were reviewing Flexible Tenancies such as other stock holding local authorities and a change of approach was seen to be developing across the sector.
Discussion took place regarding:
· A tenant’s income, savings and household budget being taken into account in relation to any decision about whether or not to renew a flexible tenancy.
· The number of private letting facilities available.
· Concerns regarding the workload in trying to manage lots of different tenants with different tenancy arrangements and durations.
· Tenants were involved at the heart of decision making and the Tenant Involvement resource had been strengthened.
· The critical stage was the first year where a lot could be understood about the ability of a new tenant to sustain a tenancy.
· There was no automatic transfer of tenancy should a tenant pass away.
The Group AGREED for the development of a project plan setting out proposals to consult tenants and other stakeholders on the continued use of flexible tenancies by Mid Devon Housing for discussion and agreement at a future meeting of the Homes Policy Development Group.
Note: * Report previously circulated; copy attached to the minutes.