29 Collection of debt PDF 458 KB
To receive an initial report from officers explaining the processes for debt collection, the amounts of debt involved and the numbers of debtors in long term or serious debt.
The Committee had before it, and NOTED, a *Collection of Debt report from the Corporate Manager for Revenues, Benefits, Corporate Recovery, Planning (DM) and Corporate Fraud.
The Principal Officer for Revenues and Benefits outlined the contents of the report and stated that the collection of debt was governed by statue.
She explained that the Council was in the upper quartile of neighbouring districts and that every effort was made to contact customers before any enforcement action was taken.
Consideration was given to:
· Vulnerable customers were referred to welfare officers
· There was a balance in supporting customers and collecting the Council’s debt.
It was agreed the Cllr G Barnell would liaise with officers to investigate the service and explore options that he would bring an update report back to Committee for consideration.
Note: *report previously circulated and attached to the minutes