30 Planning consultants (2.32.41) PDF 156 KB
To receive an initial report from officer explaining the uses, spending on and the processes for procurement. This includes the range of uses to which consultants are put including:-
• Masterplans and Neighbourhood Plans
• Technical work within the emerging Local Plan
• Viability Assessments
• Appeals
• Expert opinion especially for Planning Committee and Development Control decisions
• Staffing vacancy cover
The Committee had before it, and NOTED, a *report from the Director of Place regarding Planning Consultants.
The Officer explained that the report had been prepared at the request of the Committee and that generally the Council employed consultants to carry out the best possible work.
He explained that there was an absolute shortage of skilled staff and that although the Council had joint working with Building Control, this hadn’t alleviated the staff shortage issue.
He further explained that the Council would continue to grow talent through apprenticeship schemes and upskilling local residents.
Note: *report previously circulated and attached to the minutes