Night Time Economy (00-01-42)
To consider the following recommendations from the Scrutiny Committee who considered the work of the Night Time Economy Working Group at its meeting on 13 April 2015.
i. The Waste Service liaise with the Licensing Service to ensure that the litter from late night food premises be kept to a minimum. Should a problem arise with a specific premises a letter be sent to remind them of their duty to keep the area clean.
ii. The Licensing Officer liaise with the Devon and Cornwall Police with regard to Temporary Extension Notices, to ensure that they are dealt with in a timely fashion and that all of the appropriate people are aware of them.
iii. The Licensing Officer ensure that measures be put in place to monitor Temporary Extension Notices when offices were closed.
Arising from discussions at the Scrutiny Committee who considered the work of the Night Time Economy Working Group at its meeting on 13 April 2015; the following recommendations were put before the Cabinet:
i) The Waste Service liaise with the Licensing Service to ensure that the litter from late night food premises be kept to a minimum. Should a problem arise with a specific premises a letter be sent to remind them of their duty to keep the area clean.
ii) The Licensing Officer liaise with the Devon and Cornwall Police with regard to Temporary Extension Notices, to ensure that they are dealt with in a timely fashion and that all of the appropriate people are aware of them.
iii) The Licensing Officer ensure that measures be put in place to monitor Temporary Extension Notices when offices were closed.
The Cabinet Member for Community Well-Being introduced the item and asked the previous Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee who was present to outline the background to the recommendations. She had been a Member of the Working Group and had spent a Saturday evening in Tiverton with Police Inspector Jane Alford Mole, several issues had been raised and these formed the basis for the recommendations to Cabinet.
Discussion took place regarding the late night venues in Gold Street, a recent licensing application and specific planning conditions which would be investigated by the Head of Planning and Regeneration.
It was therefore:
RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Scrutiny Committee be approved.
(Proposed by Cllr C R Slade and seconded by Cllr N V Davey)
Note: Cllr Mrs M E Squires declared a personal interest as she had made a representation regarding a recent Licensing application in Gold Street.