60 Revised Pets & Animals Policy (01:45:00) PDF 492 KB
To receive a report from the Corporate Manager for Public Health, Regulation and Housing outlining the Mid Devon Housing (MDH) approach to keeping pets and animals by its tenants and their households.
Additional documents:
The Group had before it a report * from the Corporate Manager for Public Health, Regulation and Housing outlining the Mid Devon Housing (MDH) approach to keeping pets and animals by its tenants and their household. It was stated that MDH understood the benefits that responsible pet ownership could bring. Owning a pet or animal could be life enhancing and it was recognised that it could have a positive impact on physical health and mental well-being.
The following was highlighted within the report:
· This policy had been due for review and touched almost every area of housing delivery. Historically Mid Devon had had a very strict approach but it was necessary to recognise the positive impact owning a pet had for some tenants.
· It was important that Neighbourhood Officers had a consistent policy that could be applied across all of its properties.
· The updated policy clarified the position regarding service animals and dangerous dogs where national legislation had recently changed.
· It was now a fairer policy providing greater clarity.
Discussion took place regarding:
· Dog breeding would need a licence and MDH worked closely with the Licensing Team thereby reducing opportunities for non-compliance with the policy.
· The vast majority of tenants with pets were very responsible.
RECOMMENDED to the Cabinet that the updated Pets and Animals Policy and Equality Impact Assessment contained in Annexes A and B respectively be adopted.
(Proposed by Cllr F Letch and seconded by Cllr s Robinson)
Reason for the decision
The Council’s tenancy agreement contained clauses relating to animals and pets which state that tenants should seek permission for most pets or animals and should ensure that they do not cause nuisance or annoyance to neighbours, or cause any damage to the property.
Note: * Report previously circulated.