44 Performance Dashboard Q3 (00:47:00) PDF 85 KB
To receive performance information for the areas falling under the remit of this Policy Development Group for quarter 3 of 2024/2025.
The Group were presented with, and NOTED, a slide * showing performance information in the Economy & Assets area under the General Fund. The following was highlighted:
· There was an amber rating for Car Parking Income and the projected outturn.
· Capital slippage of projects was shown with a red rating. This was primarily due to a delay in starting the Cullompton Relief Road project and swimming pool projects at the Leisure Centres.
· The vast majority of ratings however were shown as green and many projects were over delivering in terms of output.
Discussion took place with regard to:
· Business Rateable Value targets were not shown on the Dashboard, why was this? It was explained that this was more than likely due to the fluctuations in this area and it was not within the Council’s gift to be able to set these accurately. The Director of Place and Economy stated that he would check with the service lead in this area and report back to the Group.
· A slight decline in Car Park income could be due to revised permit rates and/or a reflection of the current national economic position.
· Optimism was high within various railway forums that progress regarding the Cullompton Railway Station was being made and the local MP’s were lobbying hard.
· A lot had been achieved over the past 2/3 years to support local traders and businesses through the Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF) such as business grants, shop front enhancement schemes, the Mid Devon Show etc. The team would continue to do what it could wherever possible but were probably at the limit of what they could within the SPF although it was noted that this had been extended for a further year at a lower level. Future Government funding in this area was very uncertain.
· Tiverton Pannier Market continued to perform very well on Friday’s and Saturday’s, however, Tuesday’s were still proving to be challenging. The Market Strategy was currently being revised and would be brought to the Group at a future meeting.
· The next meeting of the Car Parking Working Group would be taking place on 17th March the results of which would be reported back to this Group at the June meeting.
Note: * Slide previously circulated.