44 Revisions to the Financial and Contract Procedure Rules (01:08:50) PDF 579 KB
To receive a report from the Director of Finance, Assets and Resources making recommendations for amendments to the Financial Regulations of the Authority.
Additional documents:
The Committee had before it, a report * from the Director of Finance, Assets and Resources presenting some amendments to the Financial Regulations of the Authority.
RECOMMENDED to Council that:
a) Changes to the Procurement Procedure, as detailed at Appendix B, be approved; and
b) Changes to the various thresholds of the Financial Regulations of the Council, as detailed at Appendix A, be approved subject to the following amendments:
i) Table A, Ref no. A3 be amended to say ‘£250k’ and not ‘£2500k’ and that the heading ‘Cabinet Member’ be amended to ‘Cabinet’;
ii) Table A, Ref no. A4 be amended to say ‘Over £250k’ and not ‘Over £2500k’ and that ‘Council’ be amended to read ‘Cabinet’;
iii) Reference no. F4 be amended to state the ‘Cabinet and Section 151 Officer’ with authority to write off stock deficiencies / obsolete stock;
iv) Table H, ‘European Union Procurement Thresholds’ should state that this is ‘Valid up until 31/12/16’ and the following should be inserted under ‘Replaced by’:
Goods: £164,176
Services: £164,176
Works: £4,104,394
v) Reference K1, against ‘Best possible price’ it should state ‘Value less than or equal to £1,000’ and not ‘greater than’.
c) Changes to the Constitution in line with the above recommendations be approved.
(Proposed by the Chairman)
Note: * Report previously circulated; copy attached to the signed minutes.