Arising from a report of the Deputy Chief Executive (S151) for the Community Policy Development Group had recommended that Cabinet and then to Council adopt the Unauthorised Encampment Policy subject to a further review by the legal department, following the review it was agreed that consultation take place on the proposed policy. This report finalises the procedure for approval.
Additional documents:
Arising from a * report of the Deputy Chief Executive (S151) the Community Policy Development Group had recommended that Cabinet and then Council adopt the Unauthorised Encampment Policy subject to a further review by the legal department, following the review it was agreed that consultation take place on the proposed policy.
The Cabinet Member for Housing outlined the contents of the report stating that at the present time, the authority did not have a policy in place for responding to and enforcing on unauthorised encampments on land owned by the District Council. He explained the consultation process that had taken place with the town and parish councils and the county council. The policy set out guidance explaining how the authority would deal with unauthorised encampments on its land; the policy was deemed to be firm but fair.
Consideration was given to the consultation process and that this was seen as positive engagement, also that a flowchart had been produced which would allow for quick reference.
RECOMMENDED to Council that: the proposed corporate policy and procedure for managing and enforcing unauthorised encampments as detailed in Annex A be adopted and implemented.
(Proposed by Cllr R L Stanley and seconded by Cllr R J Chesterton)
Note: *Report previously circulated, copy attached to minutes.
38 Unauthorised Encampments (00.33.40) PDF 89 KB
To receive a report from the Deputy Chief Executive (S151) seeking Cabinet approval for the adoption of a corporate policy and procedure for responding to unauthorised encampments on land owned by Mid Devon District Council.
Additional documents:
The Committee considered a *report from the Group Manager for Corporate and Commercial Assets outlining the draft policy and procedure for the Unauthorised Encampment Policy.
He explained that the Policy was required to commit to the work that had previously been completed by the Cabinet and informal groups which included members of the travelling community.
Discussion took place regarding the five key stages of the process and the Group Manager for Corporate and Commercial Assets provided Members with an update flow chart of the process.
He explained that the MDDC process was closely aligned to the DCC policy to ensure that there was a synergy between the two authorities processes.
In response to questions posed he explained that a traveller family was defined by the use of six or more vehicles and that if a temporary encampment was allowed to remain it was unlikely that the Council could impose Council Tax collection and enforce it.
He further explained that although the policy was complete he wanted the Council’s legal team to have a further overview of the legal terminology used.
It was RECOMMENDED to Cabinet and then to Council to adopt the Unauthorised Encampment Policy subject to a further review by the Legal department, the inclusion of the new flowchart, and any other minor spelling changes having been carried out.
(Proposed by the Chairman)
Note: - *Report previously circulated and attached to the Minutes.