66 Briefing on Home Improvement Loans (01:52:20) PDF 313 KB
To receive a briefing paper regarding Home Improvement Loans.
The Group had before it, and NOTED, a briefing paper * from the Lead Officer for Private Sector Housing. The contents of the report were summarised with the new pilot approach already proving to be a success. A final decision on the permanent approach going forwards would be made by the end of April and would be delegated to the Director of Corporate Affairs and Business Transformation and the Cabinet Member for Housing.
It was suggested that details of the new scheme be forwarded to Town and Parish Councils on a regular basis. It was noted that a leaflet would be included in the Council Tax bills being sent out in the Spring (subject to the above final decision).
The current interest rate was 4% although this was being reviewed. The length of time given to people to repay the loan was dependent on the individual’s personal circumstances. Efforts would be made to find the most affordable repayment mechanism for each individual.
Note: * Briefing paper previously circulated; copy attached to the signed minutes.