9 Disabled Facility Grant (DFG) update (00:21:40) PDF 346 KB
To receive a report from the Public Health and Professional Services Manager providing an update on the current position with the disabled facilities grant (DFG) programme.
The Group had before it, and NOTED, a report * from the Public Health and Professional Services Manager providing an update on the current position with the disabled facilities grant (DFG) programme.
It was explained that during the summer of 2016 the existing processes with regard to the administration of the DFG programme were fully reviewed in order to identify areas where there was scope for streamlining and updating. The Group were referred to section 2 within the report which listed the areas which had been subsequently streamlined. It was further explained that previously it had taken 17 weeks to process a DFG, this was now down to 9 weeks.
In 2016/17 the total government allocation for Mid Devon through the ‘Better Care Fund’ for disabled facilities grants was £561,385. In common with all Devon district authorities it was agreed that 10% of the allocation would be retained by the County Council for redistribution to those areas where there was additional demand. This meant that Mid Devon received an allocation of £505,246. The private sector housing team had spent and committed a total of £551,580 and therefore was able to apply for the 10% that had been retained and this had been successfully invoiced.
A brief discussion took place regarding the introduction of a form for the client to complete to agree the works needed and identify the method of getting quotes.
The Group wished to congratulate the private sector housing team for streamlining these processes so quickly and efficiently and for their understanding in dealing with clients in this area.
Note: (i) * Report previously circulated, copy attached to the signed minutes.
(ii) Cllr P J Heal declared a personal interest as his daughter was in receipt of a Disabled Facilities Grant.