7 Report on Internal Audit Provision from 2017/18 (00:11:37) PDF 120 KB
To receive a report regarding the appointment of the Council’s internal auditor from 1st May 2017.
The Committee had before it a report * from the Internal Audit Team Leader informing it about Internal Audit Provision from 1st May 2017.
The contents of the report were outlined with the following key points being highlighted:
· The governance arrangements in section 2.
· The agreement required that Partners provide 12 months’ notice if they wish to leave the Partnership.
· Further work would be undertaken to ensure a smooth transition which would take approximately 3 months.
RECOMMENDED to Council that:
a) Mid Devon District Council appoints Devon Audit Partnership (DAP) as the Audit Manager from 1st May until it joins DAP (nominally 31st July 2017).
b) Mid Devon District Council joins DAP:
i. As a non-voting member from 1 August 2017 until 31st March 2018;
ii. As a voting member from 1st April 2018.
c) The Chairman of the Audit Committee be appointed as the nominated member to represent Mid Devon on the Partnership Committee.
d) The Vice Chairman of the Audit Committee be the nominated substitute Member to represent Mid Devon on the Partnership Committee in the absence of the Chairman.
e) Cllr R F Radford be the second nominated member of the Committee.
(Proposed by the Chairman)
Note: * Report previously circulated, copy attached to the signed minutes.