110 Treasury Management Strategy and Annual Investment Strategy (1-24-09) PDF 333 KB
To receive a report of the Head of Finance outlining the proposed Treasury Management Strategy and Annual Investment Strategy for 2015/16
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The Cabinet had before it a report of the Head of Finance outlining the proposed Treasury Management Strategy and Annual Investment Strategy for 2015/16. It was:
a) The proposed Treasury Management Strategy and the Annual Investment Strategy for 2015/16, see paragraph 15.4, including the prudential indicators for the next 3 years and the Minimum Revenue Provision Statement (Appendix 4), be approved;
b) In addition to a continuation of the current investment strategy, the Council consider the options outlined in paragraph 15.5 of the report;
c) the increase to the 2014/15 Authorised Limit, as detailed in paragraph 7.3 be approved
d) the Council using the Municipal Bond Agency for future loans, outlined in paragraph 13.1 be agreed.
The Cabinet had before it a report of the Head of Finance outlining the proposed Treasury Management Strategy and Annual Investment Strategy for 2015/16
The Cabinet Member for Finance outlined the contents of the report stating that the strategy proposed was to continue in the current mode and that any business/investment opportunities should be taken advantage of. He highlighted the fact that any money on deposit must be secure.
a) The proposed Treasury Management Strategy and the Annual Investment Strategy for 2015/16, see paragraph 15.4, including the prudential indicators for the next 3 years and the Minimum Revenue Provision Statement (Appendix 4), be approved;
b) In addition to a continuation of the current investment strategy, the Council consider the options outlined in paragraph 15.5 of the report;
c) the increase to the 2014/15 Authorised Limit, as detailed in paragraph 7.3 be approved
d) the Council using the Municipal Bond Agency for future loans, outlined in paragraph 13.1 be agreed.
(Proposed by the Chairman)
(i) Cllrs C J Eginton declared a personal interest as he received a pension from Lloyds Bank;
(ii) Cllr N V Davey declared a personal interest as he received a pension from the Royal Bank of Scotland;
(iii) *Report previously circulated; copy attached to the signed Minutes.