9 Progress update on the Annual Governance Statement Action Plan (00:30:30) PDF 51 KB
To receive a report from the Group Manager for Performance, Governance and Data Security providing the Committee with an update on progress made against the Annual Governance Statement 2016/17 Action Plan.
Additional documents:
The Committee had before it and NOTED a report * from the Group Manager for Performance, Governance and Data Security providing the Committee with an update on progress made against the Annual Governance Statement 2016/17 action plan.
Discussion took place regarding:
· Any outstanding items in the action plan would be brought forward into 2018/19. Most items had been completed, some had not and one was not due.
· The Staff Charter had now been formally launched.
· The new Learning and Development system had not included the ethics module that had been hoped for. This would have to be written in-house and would be an action listed in the AGS action plan for 2018/19.
Note: * Report previously circulated; copy attached to the signed minutes