50 External Progress Report and Sector Update (01:30:03) PDF 380 KB
To receive a report from Grant Thornton providing the Audit Committee with a report on progress in delivering their responsibilities as the Council’s external auditors.
The Committee had before it, and NOTED, a report * from Grant Thornton providing an update on progress in delivering their responsibilities as the Council’s external auditors.
· They would be commencing their planning for the audit shortly and an audit plan would be brought to the Committee for their January meeting.
· They were currently in the process of certifying the housing benefit return. The claim was likely to be amended as some errors had been found, however, these were not of a significant nature.
· The Committee’s attention was drawn to Grant Thornton’s recent report regarding ‘Local Government Authority Trading Companies’. This publication brought together their experience in this area and set out some potential pitfalls. Some of these pitfalls related to governance arrangements, the need for assurance and to maintain an arms length relationship. It was AGREED that Members attention be brought to this publication via WIS.
Note: * Report previously circulated; copy attached to the signed minutes.