47 Anti-fraud and Corruption and Anti-Money Laundering Policies (01:02:25) PDF 53 KB
To receive a report from the Group Manager for Performance, Governance and Data Security presenting the Committee with the reviewed and updated policies for Anti-Fraud & Corruption and Anti-Money Laundering.
Additional documents:
The Committee had before it, a report * from the Group Manager for Governance and Data Security presenting it with the reviewed and updated policies for Anti-Fraud & Corruption and Anti-Money Laundering.
It was explained that the changes to these policies had been very minor in nature and related to job titles not updates with regard to legislation.
A brief discussion took place regarding ‘whistleblowing’ within the Council. It was confirmed that there had been no instances of whistleblowing in the past few years.
(i) The revised and updated Anti-Fraud & Corruption and Anti-Money Laundering policies be approved;
(ii) The Group Manager for Performance, Governance and Data Security be given delegated authority to make minor amendments to these policies e.g. to job titles.
(Proposed by Cllr Mrs J B Binks and seconded by Cllr R M Deed)
Note: * Report previously circulated; copy attached to the signed minutes.