125 Reports - Scrutiny Committee - Report of the Meeting held on 14 January 2019 (00-38-48) PDF 87 KB
To receive and consider the reports, minutes and recommendations of the meetings as follows:
2) Scrutiny Committee
- 14 January 2019
- 18 February 2019 – to follow
3) Audit Committee
- 22 January 2019
4) Environment Policy Development Group
- 8 January 2019
5) Homes Policy Development Group
- 15 January 2019
6) Economy Policy Development Group
- 10 January 2019
- 29 January 2019
7) Community Policy Development Group
- 22 January 2019
8) Planning Committee
- 9 January 2019
- 6 February 2018
Additional documents:
The Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee presented the report of the meeting of the Committee held on 14 January 2019.
The Council had before it questions referring to Minute 120 submitted by Councillor Mrs N Woollatt in accordance with Procedure Rule 13.2, together with a response from the Deputy Chief Executive (S151).
Councillor Mrs N Woollatt made the following statement following responses to her questions: she understood that mistakes could happen, she was surprised that she had been given an incorrect answer with regard to question 2 and with regard to question 3, the decision maker was given incorrect information which had not been amended on the decision form and that the correct information could have been added to the Monitoring Officer’s report at agenda item 11.
60 Financial Regulations Review PDF 59 KB
To receive a report from the Deputy Chief Executive (S151 Officer) making recommendation for amendments to the Financial Regulations of the Authority, to ensure they are appropriate, reflecting the Authority’s latest structure and delegations.
Additional documents:
The Committee had before it a report * from the Deputy Chief Executive (S151) making recommendations for amendments to the Financial Regulations of the Authority to ensure they were appropriate, reflecting the Authority’s latest structure and delegations.
The Group Manager for Financial Services had received an update from the Group Manager for Legal Services and Monitoring Officer with regard to the legal implications of a revision to the Financial Regulations. This was cited as being as follows:
“The Financial Regulations, as revised, include appropriate references to the latest applicable laws, regulations and guidance, as well as acknowledged industry best practice. Outside of those parameters, it is entirely a matter for the Council to determine the rules and thresholds which apply, including the level of decision making. It is important the regulations are clear and precise to avoid any doubt about their application in any given scenario and staff training is advisable.”
It was further explained by the Group Manager for Financial Services that this was an important working document which ensured that the Council adhered to proper working practices with the right levels of authorisation. Updates and changes to the document had been tracked changed making it easier to see where the revisions had taken place.
Discussion took place with regard to:
· The significance of IR35 tax legislation to the Council and its operations.
· When it came to the disposal of land, Ward Members were not always informed. However, the Chief Executive confirmed that disposal of land over 0.25 of a hectare was reported through CSAG (which had Member representation on it) and also the Cabinet. Officers needed to be reminded that anything under this amount needed to be reported to individual Ward Members.
RECOMMENDED to Council that the revisions to the Financial Regulations are approved.
(Proposed by the Chairman)
Note: * Report previously circulated, copy attached to the signed minutes.