RIPA 6 MONTH UPDATE (00.07.52)
To receive an update from the Group Manager of Legal Services and Monitoring Officer which states there have been no RIPA applications or authorisations in the past 6 months.
In light of this and the absence of any authorisations for a number of years, the Monitoring Officer asks the Scrutiny Committee to consider moving to an annual report.
The Committee NOTED a 6 month verbal update from the Group Manager of Legal Services and Monitoring Officer informing it that there had been no RIPA applications or authorisations in the past 6 months.
In light of this and the absence of any authorisations for a number of years, the Monitoring Officer had asked the Scrutiny Committee to consider moving to an annual report.
The Committee were informed that the reason for the low instances was that the process was quite intrusive and so if information could be obtained by other methods it would be preferable.
It was RESOLVED that the RIPA report be presented to the Scrutiny Committee annually or when an instance came up.
(Proposed by the Chairman)