Trim Trails (01.08.00)
Public Health Officer to provide the conclusion of the procurement process for Trim Trails
The Group received a verbal report from the Public Health Officer on Trim Trails.
He gave a brief update having received 3 quotes out of a possible 5. He explained that at first sight the quotations looked good and would lead to interesting trim trails going forward. The Public Health Officer confirmed that there would be a decision soon and the installation of the trial Trim Trail in Tiverton would be before Christmas.
The Group asked if MDDC were contributing all of the monies for the Tiverton trial and the Public Health Officer explained that the funding was via a S106 contribution.
The Cabinet Member for Community Well Being explained that developers would be asked to provide trim trails on new developments being built in the Mid Devon area in the future. He asked for Members who knew of trim trails being considered or funded in the Parishes to let MDDC know so that there was no duplication of trails moving forward and that it could be checked if there was S106 money available.