64 Cabinet Member for Housing Report (00.10.56) PDF 80 KB
To receive a report from the Cabinet Member for Housing.
The Cabinet Member for Housing provided the Committee with a *report on area’s within his remit and gave the details of performance against targets in key areas.
He gave personal thanks to Cllr R L Stanley for all the hard work that he had done in relation to the portfolio before he had taken over.
He explained that he was surprised by the attitude of some tenants who were against gas inspections and informed Members that Tommy Walsh would be the guest speaker at this year’s Landlords Event.
He expressed his thanks to officers who had made the transition process since May easy and that he had been made to feel very welcome and he explained that he had attended over 100 meetings with officers to date and found the service to be a lean, slick, cohesive and a professional outfit.
In response to Members questions the Chief Executive explained the difference in the number of affordable units which had been secured in the district as to the number of social housing units delivered by the Council itself.
Members asked for responses to the following questions:
1. The figures for affordable housing and social housing be explained in more detail
2. That the HRA figures be clarified, including the exact amount going in each year and the current total pot
3. Request for a full report on the figures currently invested with Wessex Bank, the current amount of monies available, the number of loans made in the past 12 months, how the reserves of £80k have been spent and if any money had been clawed back by the Council
4. Would the previous policy of replacing all coal fired heating systems in Council housing stock with reserves from renewable energy continue?
5. An explanation of where the DARS figures were obtained and the difference between the 18/19 budget and spend
6. Clarification of the £54k lost through non co-operation by tenants for gas inspections
7. Provide a prediction of the amount of rent arrears by the end of the financial year
8. Clarification on why there were more grants and sales for right to buy in 17/18 and 18/19 and to date
9. Clarification of why Band E figures were included on the housing list
The Cabinet Member informed the Committee that he would provide a written response to questions asked.
Members congratulated officers on the amount of successful rogue landlord prosecutions but felt that more could be done.
Note: *report previously circulated and attached to the minutes