38 Performance & Risk Report (00:04:02) PDF 72 KB
To receive a report from the Director of Corporate Affairs & Business Transformation providing Members with an update on performance against the Corporate Plan and local service targets for 2019-20 as well as providing an update on the key business risks.
Additional documents:
The Committee had before it, and NOTED, a report * from the Director of Corporate Affairs & Business Transformation providing Members with an update on performance against the Corporate Plan and local service targets for 2019-20 as well as providing an update on the key business risks.
The contents of the report were outlined with reference to the following:
· This was the second report of the current financial year showing results up to the end of August 2019.
· Measures in relation to FOI’s granted in full and decision notices had now been added into the report as requested at the last meeting.
· It was noted that the figures in relation to the number of empty shops in Cullompton were particularly disappointing. The committee were reassured that this situation was closely monitored by the Economy PDG and the team supporting it. It was reported that the next count would be conducted very shortly. The concerns of the committee were requested to be referred back and further information sought as to what the Growth and Economic Delivery team plans were with regard to this issue.
· The performance indicator (PI) in relation to ‘Minor applications overturned at appeal (over the last 2 years)’ was considered to be meaningless. It was requested that there be an additional PI to read ‘Minor applications which go to appeal and are subsequently overturned’. It was felt this would be a more meaningful measure.
· It was confirmed that a proposal from Exeter University for carbon footprint work had been received and was being considered by the Group Manager for Corporate Property and Commercial Assets.
· It was requested that information provided in relation to ‘mitigating actions’ be as full as possible, wherever possible.
Discussion took place regarding the risks in relation to 3 Rivers Development Ltd:
· Clarity was sought with regard to the fact that within the Performance and Risk report, the risk severity had been allocated the highest score of 5 and a likelihood score of 4. However the external auditors report had not highlighted 3 Rivers as a significant risk although it had proposed a recommendation for some improvement. The thresholds in relation to the scoring system were explained. The question was asked as to what the Council was doing to reconcile the differing opinions in relation to the risks. The committee were informed that there was now a quarterly officer programme board which the Group Manager for Financial Services and the Chief Executive attended. There was also regular monitoring and a constant eye was being kept on activity in relation to this subsidiary company. Judgements were made on a weekly basis in relation to relevant risk factors. There were agreements for all loans and the first repayment was due in December 2019.
· In terms of the 3 Rivers ‘assets’ this was described within the balance sheet as being ‘work in progress’ as they were developments for onward sale.
· Loans were seen as being ‘secure’ since the Council ultimately owned the land and the development (albeit it ... view the full minutes text for item 38