Venue: Phoenix Chambers, Phoenix House, Tiverton
Contact: Sally Gabriel
Link: audio recording
No. | Item |
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors: Mrs E M Andrews, Mrs C P Daw, R M Deed, Mrs S Griggs, Miss C E L Slade, J L Smith, L D Taylor, N A Way and R Wright. |
Chairman's Announcements To receive any announcements which the Chairman of the Council may wish to make.
Minutes: The Chairman had no announcements to make. |
Public Question Time (00:01:27) To receive any questions relating to items on the agenda from members of the public and replies thereto.
Minutes: Mr Husbands, referring to item 6 on the agenda said he was representing Sampford Peverell Parish Council. The draft local plan shows an allocation of 60 new homes at Higher Town, something for which there has been a great deal of opposition to from Sampford Peverell. At a recent public meeting approximately 90 parishioners, including Cllr H Bainbridge, attended and there was again universal opposition to the above development. Besides being considered to be an unsuitable site due to the topography this proposal is on the edge of the village, creating traffic through the village, there are no pavements on what is considered to be a dangerous part of the road, school children will have to walk on the road, we consider that any accident could be fatal. This is an increase in dwellings of more than 10% for the village and so far as we are aware there is no provision in the plan for improvements to roads or facilities to accommodate this increase. Are Councillors still determined to include this proposal in the draft plan despite fierce local opposition and if so why?
Mr Lucas, referring to item 6 on the agenda said it is my belief that the developers of J27 now have sufficient evidence for the inclusion of the development to put forward into the Local Plan, although I like others am perplexed as to how that has taken place when based on the fact that the previous administration saw fit to exclude the development in January 2015. On reading the report as submitted it seems that the developers have met the objectives and now meet most of the criteria set out in the National Planning Policy Framework, however what needs to be discussed are the implications of policy SP2 in relationship to the extra housing needed as put forward if J27 is approved for inclusion in the revised Local Plan. Site, highest point in village, development will be overbearing no matter what conditions are placed on developers. This end of the village contains higher market property, hence the development would be in keeping making any affordable houses untenable based on possible wage levels within Junction 27, which from reading the revised Local Plan is the reason why this extra housing has been requested through strategic market housing assessment. The current road structure would need significant alteration to absorb the traffic flow from the proposed site of 60 homes to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the village as traffic flow per day would greatly increase the current traffic movements. Water/sewage - on both counts these utility services would need considerable investment made to sustain current levels for the whole village. Water pressure, already a problem in certain quarters, once the cattle station is in full operation, and for those of you that don’t know the conditions relating to the cattle station emphasised the fact that for the wellbeing of the animals the extra water would go there. We won’t have that once that comes ... view the full minutes text for item 91. |
Petitions (00:33:50) To receive any petitions from members of the public.
Minutes: The Deputy Monitoring Officer stated that an electronic petition had been received entitled ‘Help us keep Mid Devon rural’ which had twenty three signatories. |
Notices of Motions (0034:25) To receive any notices of motion. Minutes: No motions had been received for this meeting. |
Cabinet Report - 21 November 2016 (00:34:40) PDF 158 KB To receive and consider reports, minutes and recommendations of the special meeting of the Cabinet held on 21 November 2016 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Leader presented the report of the special meeting of the Cabinet held on 21 November 2016.
Arising thereon:
The Head of Planning and Regeneration was invited to give a presentation to Members. She stated that it was her intention to provide a summary as to how the Council had arrived at this position and to explain in some detail the main changes in relation to the plan.
Quoting from the National Planning Policy Framework 2012 she stated that ‘Local Plans were the key to delivering sustainable development that reflects the vision and aspirations of local communities.’ There was a legal obligation upon the Council to produce a Local Plan and for Mid Devon it would lead to the creation of over 7,860 homes including over 2,000 affordable homes. It would also create 212,416 square metres of commercial floor space attracting investment into the district and creating approximately 2,500 new jobs. Additionally there would be improvements to transport infrastructure which would address existing capacity and safety issues as well as meeting future needs. There would be an implementation of strategic environmental enhancement schemes including flood alleviation, air quality and traffic management.
The Plan would deliver new, improved and enhanced public open space. There would be a protection of designated local green space as well as recreational land and buildings. Enhancement of built and historic environments including heritage assets and town centre regeneration. The Plan would also deliver the provision of new and improved schools, doctor surgeries, community buildings and libraries. The plan would seek to establish a strong basis for managing development through the re-establishment of the Council’s five year land supply which would guide development to the most sustainable areas in line with the district’s spatial strategy, protect our countryside and make the best use of land.
The background to the whole process was then briefly summarised. A major consultation exercise had taken place between 9 February and 27 April 2015 when 971 submissions had been received, including 2434 specific comments. The intention had been to submit that plan later that year but more technical evidence had been needed. On 22 September 2016 Council had considered the allocation of land at J27 for leisure, retail and tourism and the associated additional housing required. Since the 2015 consultation there had been changes to national guidance, the local plan evidence base and highways advice. The plan had therefore been proposed to be modified to reflect the representations received and the changes since 2015. The Council now had before it an updated version of the proposed plan showing the tracked changes. She went on to list the decisions made by the Council so far in relation to the draft plan.
It was proposed that consultation, solely on the modifications to the plan, be undertaken between 3 January 2017 and 14 February 2017 and then it be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate before the end of March 2017. The Department for Communities and Local Government had stated ... view the full minutes text for item 94. |
Amendments & Written Questions to Council 1 December 2016 PDF 886 KB |