To receive a report from the Group Manager for Performance, Governance and Data Security providing Members with an update on performance against the Corporate Plan and local service targets for 2020/21 as well as providing an update on the key business risks.
The Committee had before it a report * from the Group Manager for Performance, Governance and Data Security providing Members with an update on performance against the Corporate Plan and local service targets for 2021-21 as well as providing an update on the key business risks.
The contents of the report were outlined and particular reference made to the following areas:
· The report provided performance data up until the end of September 2020 and had now passed through all 4 Policy Development Groups.
· The draft Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) were now aligned with the new Corporate Plan framework. New aims needed new measures.
Discussion took place and questions were asked with regard to the following:
· The Risk Management report and whether the section relating to monitoring the risk in relation to 3 Rivers provided enough information to the Audit Committee to adequately assess the financial risks. It was felt that perhaps the Business Plan should come to the Audit Committee as well so that it could judge performance against expectations. The Deputy Chief Executive (S151) explained that the 3 Rivers Board provided 6 monthly reports to the Cabinet which provided an update on their delivery against their business Plan. There were also monthly updates to the Cabinet on the 33 recommendations which had been approved. It was, however also the Audit Committee’s job to ask for regular updates in order to seek assurance that the risks were being managed. He referred to a planned joint briefing between the Scrutiny Committee and the Audit Committee where these issues could be discussed further.
· In relation to ‘Infrastructure delivery’ and the mitigating action ‘Close working with delivery partners’ in an attempt to mitigate risk, it was felt there were no examples provided as to what had happened or what was planned. It was explained that this detail would need to be provided by the Economic Development team and could be provided after the meeting.
· Regarding ‘Community Right to Buy’ and the ‘opportunity to communicate with third parties’, it was stated that this had been reported as a mitigating action for a year but the Committee had received no information as to how that was or was not progressing.
· A range of options being considered in relation to overall funding had not been fully explained. The question was asked as to what was the possibility of sharing senior officers with other authorities? The Deputy Chief Executive (S151) explained that a report considering funding options would be presented to the Cabinet on 3 December 2020. Much would depend upon the amount of Government funding for next year. This was expected to be announced towards the end of November or early December. He further explained that shared management arrangements had already taken place with the Refuse and Recycling Manager in North Devon as well the sharing of an ICT Manager. When one of the Directors had left last year, the work of that post had been subsumed into the work load of the remaining Directors in order to make savings.
· When was it appropriate for the Audit Committee to comment on the budget gap for next year? It was explained that the Audit Committee did not have a statutory role in assessing the budget or the MTFP. This work was undertaken by the Policy Development Groups and the Scrutiny Committee who made recommendations to the Cabinet. All Members were welcome to attend each of these meetings and make contributions. Reviewing the budget in January before final approval by the Cabinet and ultimately full Council was a role for the Scrutiny Committee.
· More information was requested in relation to the risk ‘SPV Governance Arrangements – 3 Rivers’. The Cabinet Member for Finance explained that detailed information was provided to the Cabinet and relevant Cabinet Members were taking a proactive approach in seeking to get outstanding actions concluded. Progress was being made. It was suggested that the monthly update on the 33 recommendations be provided to the Clerk for circulation to the Audit Committee.
RECOMMENDED to the Cabinet that the draft Key Performance Indicators be approved.
(Proposed by Cllr A Wyer and seconded by Cllr N V Davey)
Note: * Report previously circulated; copy attached to the signed minutes.
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