To receive a report from the Operations Manager for performance, Governance and Health & Safetyproviding Members with an update on performance against the Corporate Plan and local service targets for 2020-21 as well as providing an update on the key business risks.
The Committee had before it, and NOTED, a report * from the Operations Manager for Performance, Governance and Health & Safety providing it with an update on performance against the Corporate Plan and local service targets for 2020-21 as well as providing an update on the key business risks.
Discussion took place with regard to:
· The need for more qualitative data in relation to Freedom of Information requests such as how many were received and how many were refused as opposed to simply whether the responses were timely. It was explained that this information was currently available on the website. However, it was felt that it would be relatively easy to condense this information into a regular report rather than checking the website.
· The Council providing electric car charging points but it could not make people use them.
· Staff turnover figures.
The Cabinet Member for Finance responded to the question raised during in Public Question Time. He stated that Mr Quinn had made quite an extensive statement which included a number of assertions that were incorrect and therefore misleading. Rather than correct those ‘on the hoof’ he would like to respond in writing to his statement and question.
He continued….that said, there is absolutely no intention to muzzle Councillors who have been encouraged to raise any questions about the business but respecting Part 2 confidentiality about commercial sensitivities. And they have, regularly.
However, there is no doubt that there is a risk that were confidentiality not respected or inaccurate public statements made there is a direct reputational risk to 3 Rivers Development Ltd in that it potentially shakes confidence in the company, makes contracting potentially more challenging (expensive, delay etc.) and could even have a knock-on impact on confidence in the product. Any of those could impact the company’s ability to return a profit to the Council in due course. It therefore is also a direct risk to the Council.
RECOMMENDED to the Cabinet that the targets suggested for 2021/2022 against the Corporate Plan Performance Framework be approved with the addition of the following:
That information with regard to the number of Freedom of Information requests made, the number refused and the number reviewed be contained from now on within the regular Performance and Risk report.
(Proposed by Cllr A Wilce and seconded by Cllr S Penny)
Reason for the decision:
If performance is not monitored we may fail to meet our corporate and local service plan targets or to take appropriate corrective action where necessary. If key business risks are not identified and monitored they cannot be mitigated effectively.
Note: * Report previously circulated; copy attached to the signed minutes.
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