To receive a report of the Deputy Chief Executive (S151) presenting a financial update in respect of the income and expenditure so far in the year.
The Cabinet had before it and NOTED a * report of the Deputy Chief Executive (S151) presenting a financial update in respect of the income and expenditure so far in the year.
The Cabinet Member for Finance outlined the contents of the report stating this was the first budget monitoring exercise for the financial year 2021/22. The projected outturn for the General Fund was a £65k underspend, a £314k underspend for the HRA and that it was too early to consider the Capital Programme at this stage. He highlighted the main points within the report: that income for leisure and car parking was down but that income for planning and waste had increased; staff costs were under budget but that contract staff (in waste) had been used. The Capital Programme with regard to delivery of projects required some refinement and the Treasury showed a better than forecasted return.
Note: *Report previously circulated and attached to the minutes
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