To receive answers from the Cabinet Members to questions on their portfolios from other Members.
Councillor B A Moore informed the meeting that he had received some questions from Councillor G Barnell who was unable to attend the meeting, he would provide a written response to the Member.
Councillor J M Downes addressing the Leader asked that a card and flowers be sent to Mrs Eileen Andrews. The Leader responded stating that he agreed and that it would be progressed.
Councillor A White addressing the Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change stated that the residents of Upper Yeo were perplexed to read an article in Devon Live in that the Mid Devon Conservatives had called for the 3 weekly bin collection ideas to be scrapped – did the Cabinet Member agree?
The Cabinet Member responded stating that this was old news, when things were very different in the Council, there had been some Conservatives against the idea, but that was then and this is now. An in-depth trial had taken place and the matter had been discussed by the Environment Policy Development Group and the recommendation ratified by the Cabinet. Therefore he didn’t agree and that the project would be moving forward subject to the details of the resolution of the Cabinet.
Councillor A White addressing the Cabinet Member for Housing and Property Services stated that the residents of Upper Yeo were perplexed to find a petition to stop MDDC reducing the refuse collection service, this petition called on MDDC to rule out changes to the frequency of refuse collections, did Councillor Evans agree with the petition of the Mid Devon Conservative Group and if not why had he changed his mind?
The Cabinet Member responded asking the Member to look at the date of the petition. The petition had not explained the benefits and finances of the scheme, all that was now understood and the trial had taken place.
Councillor A White addressing the Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Regeneration highlighted a press release stating that Councillor Chesterton was against the change to waste collection frequency, was the Councillor still seeking support?
The Cabinet Member responded stating that he did vote against the trial and voiced concerns at the Cabinet meeting, but that the information and data was now available, he had made his thoughts known that he would like a weekly recycling collection in the long run.
Councillor A White addressing the Cabinet Member for Finance stated that residents of Upper Yeo were concerned to see potential reports that leisure centres would be closing in Mid Devon and could he rule out closing any leisure centres in the future and if not which one would he be closing?
The Cabinet Member responded stating that this was not within his portfolio, but that he was a regular user of the leisure centres and would encourage all members to attend.
The Cabinet Member for Community Well-Being stated that there had been no indication of this at recent meetings he had held with the Leisure Centre Manager.
Councillor S J Clist addressing the Cabinet Member for Housing and Property Services asked whether now was the right time to increase council house rent by CPI plus 1% thus 4.1%?
The Cabinet Member stated that the Council had just voted for this, therefore his answer was yes.