To consider the planning applications contained in the list.
The Committee considered the applications on the *Plans List
Note: *List previously circulated and attached to the minutes.
a) Application 21/01998/FULL - Erection of two storey rear extension to replace existing flat roof section and alterations to improve accessibility including reinstating existing central door on front elevation at The Guildhall, Fore Street, Bradninch
The Planning Officer outlined the application by way of a presentation highlighting the site location plan, the proposed elevations, the existing and proposed ground floor and access, the existing and proposed access and egress of the track and photographs from various aspects of the site. He informed the meeting that the Conservation Officer had been consulted and had agreed with the proposals; and the access was still wider than other parts of the track.
Referring to questions posed in Public Question Time, the officer stated that the new application if permitted would override the previous applications. With regard to the access, the Highway Authority had no concerns. The number of objections had been noted and the material considerations had been considered on the planning merits. He understood that the access was difficult but it had not been made worse by the current application. With regard to re-designing the extension, the committee could only consider the application before it. The impact of larger vehicles had been considered, but the access situation had not been worsened by the current application.
Consideration was given to:
· The views of the objector who voiced concern that access to her property was under consideration, the sale of the property had come with a right of way, she highlighted the conditions that had been placed on previous applications and the narrowness of the access track. She asked how the access could not be disregarded, the application would restrict access to disabled visitors. She hoped that the design could be adjusted and informed the meeting that further negotiations were taking place. She raised concerns with regard to service vehicles accessing the site.
· The views of the applicant with regard to the daily use of the building, the need to improve the access to the hall for disabled users with the provision of a lift to the first floor. The removal of the single story extension did involve increasing the footprint for the new extension but that this did not impede the legal right of access and that discussions were still ongoing with the neighbours.
· The view of the Town Council with regard to concerns of means of access to the Old School House and the service vehicles which maintained the house. The 2009 application had removed the single story block so that there was safe access to the site and the impact of the application generally on the neighbouring properties.
· The views of the Ward Member with regard to the impact of the proposal on the neighbouring properties, the demolition of the public toilets which had allowed a wider access route to the properties; the neighbours would no longer be able to access their property with their campervan, which may have to be parked on the heavily congested streets of Bradninch, emergency vehicles would not be able to access the site. He suggested that a site visit take place so that members could fully understand the impact of the proposal on the neighbouring properties.
Members then considered the proposal and highlighted the fact that negotiations were still ongoing between the applicant and the owners of the neighbouring property and that maybe a compromise could be found with regard to the easement line and whether the application should be deferred to allow further discussions to take place and in the meantime maybe a site visit could take place.
The views of the Highway Authority were received with regard to the smaller sweep path, access of vehicles and the track width.
It was therefore RESOLVED that the application be deferred to allow for further discussions to take place between the two parties to consider a compromise and that in the interim period a site visit be arranged.
(Proposed by Cllr B G J Warren and seconded by Cllr S J Clist)
i) Sue Eakers spoke as the objector;
ii) Phil Chambers spoke on behalf of the applicant (Trustees of Bradninch Town Trust);
iii) Cllr Jim Porteous spoke on behalf of Bradninch Town Council;
iv) Cllr L D Taylor spoke as Ward Member;
v) The following late information was provided: An additional swept path analysis plan has been received as the plan currently on file only showed the access into the private lane. This plan shows the egress.
b) Application 21/02001/LBC - Listed Building Consent for erection of two storey rear extension to replace existing flat roof section and alterations to improve accessibility including reinstating existing central door on front elevation at The Guildhall, Fore Street, Bradninch
This item was not considered as the previous application had been deferred.
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