To consider the planning applications contained in the list.
The Committee considered the applications on the *Plans List.
Note: *List previously circulated and attached to the minutes
a) Application 21/02034/FULL - Erection of 6 dwellings including associated car parking and access with conversion of former gate house to ancillary accommodation in respect of House Type 4 at Mid Devon District Council, Park Road Nursery, Park Road
The Acting Area Team Leader outlined the application by way of a presentation which highlighted the site location plan, the proposed site layout, various house type plans, illustrative site sections, visualizations and photographs of the site.
The officer explained that the site, apart from the lodge area, was outside of the conservation area and that permission had already been granted for 9 dwellings on the site. The revised application before Members was for 6 dwellings.
He explained that there had been a consideration of the impact of the conservation area and heritage assets and that highways concerns had been addressed. He further explained that there was a requirement for the developer to agree S106 provision for education with Devon County Council (DCC).
Consideration was given to:
· The properties would be open market
· The parking provision exceeded the parking standards
· The trees had some form of protection due to being in a conservation area but they did not currently have Tree Protection Orders. It was however a recommendation of the Tree Officer that Tree Preservation Orders were considered for some of the adjoining parkland trees, should permission be granted
· Access to the construction site would be from the north
· The lodge was within the conservation area and it was conditioned that this could not be altered or extended without planning permission
It was therefore RESOLVED that that planning permission be granted subject to conditions as recommended by the Development Management Manager and the signing of a S106 agreement with Devon County Council.
(Proposed by Cllr L J Cruwys and seconded by Cllr Mrs C P Daw)
Reason for the decision: As set out in the report
i. Cllr B Holman requested that his abstention from voting be recorded
b) Application 22/00077/FULL - Erection of dwelling at 1 Allington Terrace, Morchard Road, Crediton
The Principal Planning Officer outlined the application by way of a presentation which highlighted the site location plan, proposed elevations, floor and roof plans and photographs of the site.
The officer explained that the application was for an affordable dwelling adjacent to an existing terrace and that the application complied with the national space standards.
Consideration was given to
· The views of an objector who felt that the plot was too small for a new property and that it would have been better if the existing end terrace could have been extended, the current issues with parking in and around the site and concerns with rear access to neighbouring properties
· The views of the Ward Member who had no issue with the application and felt that there was adequate parking in the adjacent public car park
It was therefore RESOLVED that that planning permission be granted subject to conditions as recommended by the Development Management Manager
(Proposed by Cllr E J Berry and seconded by Cllr F W Letch))
Reason for the decision: As set out in the report
i. Karen Atkinson spoke as the objector
ii. Cllr P J Heal spoke as Ward Member
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