To receive a report from the Corporate Manager for Public Health, Regulation and Housing providing members of the PDG with the first update report on the Housing Strategy 2021-25.
The Group received, and NOTED, a report * from the Corporate Manager for Public Health, Regulation and Housing providing an update on the Housing Strategy 2021-25.
The following was highlighted within the report:
· The Strategy had now been approved and it had been agreed that regular updates would be supplied to the PDG.
· There would be an all Member Briefing on the Mid Devon Housing Development Plan in early September. A working group with multidisciplinary leads had been established to bring the plan forwards.
· 90% of the objectives within the Strategy were on track.
· A full update report would be brought to the November meeting of the PDG.
Discussion followed with regard to:
· Disappointment that the St. Andrews estate development, despite being given planning approval, had not progressed. Shapland Place also remained derelict. Conversations had been had with Homes England regarding funding previously and a lot of work had taken place to try to progress this but it appeared that no progress had been made. The following questions were asked in relation to this and answers provided:
a) Question: Why had there been no progress on the two applications?
Answer: All the units were being built in a factory elsewhere and were 50% complete. Delivery was expected by December 2022.
b) Question: Why had there been no additional planning applications in the last 4 month period despite funding being available?
Answer: More information would be provided at the all Member briefing on the Mid Devon Housing Development programme in early September.
c) Question: What progress had been made with Homes England?
Answer: The previous contact with Homes England had left, however, a new submission for funding would take place by the end of the week. The Council would need to wait 3 or 4 weeks for the result.
· Whether the target in relation to ‘The supply of new market homes in Mid Devon’ should be adjusted since current results were not on track to meet this? It was explained that the target of 393 homes had been derived from the adopted Local Plan and included all new homes across the district, not just the local authority. Investigations were being undertaken so as to establish the reason for this which might include factors such as shortage of labour, materials, Community Land Trusts and self builds. Benchmarking exercises were being undertaken to help understand the situation further. It was confirmed a considerable number of builds were in the pipeline.
· The need for this report to be cross referenced with the performance report since information in relation to affordable housing and social rented housing didn’t quite match up. An explanation from the Cabinet Member for Housing and the Corporate Manager for Public Health, Regulation and Housing needed to be given to the PDG.
· The report was also missing information on the Homes for Ukraine Scheme and the housing of refugees.
· The importance of the Local Housing Needs Assessment (LHNA). Members had received a presentation on this but the report did not provide any detail on what was planned. It was explained that the LHNA was almost complete and would inform the Mid Devon Housing Strategy. It would be a valuable document providing an evidenced set of data and it would provide an opportunity for Members to discuss how it affected future policy.
· The need for more Gypsy and Traveller sites.
Note: * Report previously circulated, copy attached to the minutes.
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