To receive any questions relating to items on the Agenda from members of the public and replies thereto.
The following questions were received from members of the public:
Mr Paul Elstone:
The following questions all fully relate to Agenda Item 6, HIF Funding and A361 Junction:
Are MDDC Cabinet Members aware that in an email dated 4th December 2020 and from the former MDDC Head of Planning to the MDDC Cabinet Member for Planning and Regeneration and the MDDC Leader the Head of Planning states
“DCC does not wish to go out to tender for the HIF works until the land exchange has taken place between the landowner (Chettiscombe Trust) and developer (Redrow). This has not yet occurred”
Were the MDDC Cabinet Member for Planning and the MDDC Leader both MADE FULLY AWARE that the land deal between the owner and Redrow Homes was completed on the 18th December 2020 or some 20 months ago. THAT THERE WERE NO LONGER ANY CONTRAINTS and the Phase 2 junction tender process could proceed at pace.
Can the Cabinet Member for Planning advise if the MDDC Ward Councillors for Lowan and Cranmore were FULLY CONSULTED about the HIF Funding situation and similarly to the MDDC Cabinet Member for Planning and the MDDC Council Leader in December 2020. This including reference to the “deal breaker” comment made by the former Head of MDDC Planning.
Can MDDC Director of Place fully explain and in a detailed written response why it has taken so VERY LONG to progress the tender process. This including timelines. A tender process given the excessive delays has seen SUBSTANTIAL COST INCREASE as a result.
Why has it taken so long to bring this critical situation concerning the HIF Junction Funding before MDDC Cabinet and for MDDC member plus public scrutiny and challenge.
Given how critical the Tiverton EUE Phase delivery timelines were to ensure no loss of the HIF Funding and construction of the junction. Can the MDDC Cabinet Member for Planning and who is also a Devon County Councillor please provide A WRITTEN RESPONSE providing full details including timelines of his efforts to accelerate the CRITICAL tender process including any discussions with DCC.
Will the MDDC Leader and MDDC Cabinet Member for Planning now consider the FULLcircumstances surrounding the requirementto suspendthe TivertonEUE Phase2 Junctiontendering process.That thereis fullcause toimplement a detailed and expert external investigation.
This especially given that both MDDC Major Road Infrastructure projects are in disarray i.e., the Cullompton Relief Roadand theTiverton EUEPhase 2junction. Thisdue itis stronglybelieved toMDDC failureto managethese projects in line with reasonable expectations.A situation that is causing MDDC increasing reputational damage.
Mrs Hannah Kearns:
The followingquestions allfully relateto AgendaItem 6:HIF Fundingand A361Junction
Are MDDC Cabinet Members aware that a Devon County Council Cabinet briefing paper dated 14th October 2020 writtenin relationto theTiverton EUEPhase 2Junction, madeFULL referenceto atotal costestimate of£10 million of which £8.2 million was a to be a Housing Infrastructure rebate?
Why did MDDC Executive Officers not allocate the £1.8 million additional funds in ANY public facing budget for 2020 or 2021 or going forward?
What is the current cost estimate for the Phase 2 Junction?The MDDC Cabinet briefing paper fails to reveal this without any apparent reason.
What is the value of the monies received from the Housing Infrastructure Fund already spent in preparation for the Phase 2 Junction?HIF funds appear to be at risk of needing to be returned due to suspension of the project, is this correct?
What is the value of the funds from the developers S103 advance contributions already spent in preparation for the Phase 2 junction?
The MDDC Director of Place has stated that the Governments HIF programme only runs to March 2024, with no replacement scheme in evidence.
Therefore given that MDDC Officers have stopped the Phase 2 Junction Tendering process what is the QUANTIFIED RISK PERCENTAGE for MDDC loosing access to the full Housing Infrastructure Funding REBATE of £8.2 million?A situation that SHOULD it happen, would clearly pile further and very substantial additional pressure on MDDC to deliver the project.
MDDC budgetspreadsheets evidencethat theyrepeatedly allocatesubstantial funds,running intothe tensof millions ofpounds, to3 RiversDevelopment Ltd.Funds whichare usedto buildspeculative housingprojects carryingboth risk in terms of delivery and commercial risk.Why are MDDC repeatedly able to allocate these substantial funds yet are unableto fundkey infrastructureprojects? Keyprojects whichwill providevery majorenhancements tothe MidDevon Community.
Why doesthe CabinetMeeting briefingdocument onlymake referenceto theHousing Development,and notto the Tiverton EUE Industrial Site?Particularly considering that it is this industrial Site that will likely see the greatest benefits from the Phase 2 Junction by removingheavy commercial traffic away from both Blundells School Campus andHalberton Village.Similarly, fromthe HartnollFarm BusinessPark andRed LinhayAnaerobic Digesterwhich are becoming increasingly industrialised.
The Leader stated that the questions would be answered when the item was reached on the agenda.