To receive answers from the Cabinet Members to questions on their portfolios from other Members.
Councillor F Letch addressing the Cabinet Member for Housing and Property Services stated that he was very concerned about the number of empty properties in his ward. A particular property now had curtains in the window but had not been advertised through Devon Home Choice. Why? The Cabinet Member replied that he did not know why but that he would find out and get back to him.
Councillor F Letch then asked the Leader why Policy Development Groups weren’t making recommendations or developing policy. It was explained that Policy Development Groups made recommendations to the Cabinet all the time. It was then up to the Cabinet to resolve them or make recommendations to full Council.
Cllr B Evans addressed the Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Regeneration and stated that in light of the recent notification of an appeal decision loss, in respect of Appeal Decision 20/01263/MFUL Allotments, Tumbling Fields Lane Tiverton, I would like to ask:
1, How many appeals have the Authority
lost within the past three years (the entirety of this current
administration) please?
2, How many of these are a result of an
appeal that followed a refusal by the planning committee that was
originally recommended to be granted by officers?
3, How much have MDDC paid out in
respect of the above lost appeals that have resulted in costs being
awarded against MDDC and specifically can I have an
“estimate” of probable costs against the full costs
awarded against 20/01263/MFUL Allotments, Tumbling Fields Lane
The Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Regeneration had sent his apologies to the meeting, however, the Leader responded on his behalf:
Question one:
Question two:
Question three:
Full confirmation of costs would be circulated once known.
Cllr Evans addressed the Cabinet Member for Housing and Property Services and stated that he was very concerned about the lack of progress on social housing provision for sites that already had planning permission. He was also concerned about the absence of any additional applications in the past four months and the lack of member information on possible funding opportunities from Homes England (HE). He specifically asked the following questions and in each case the Cabinet Member responded:
a) Why has there been no visible progress made at either the Cullompton or Tiverton modular build sites?
Answer: These are both modular schemes with off-site (factory) construction of the units. Consequently as modern methods of construction projects the activity will be over a significantly condensed period than would normally be the case with traditional build schemes and will happen closer to the end of the project. Nonetheless significant progress has been made regarding each site. A web cam has also been commissioned for the St Andrews scheme which will enable progress to be viewed remotely.
b) When can members and more importantly the residents of Mid Devon expect each site to be completed and residents in situ?
Answer: Quarter 4, 2023/2024 for both schemes.
c) When can members expect to see the next application for a modular build project for social housing?
Answer: Feasibility studies have been completed for 6 new schemes ahead of a pre-planning submission with more to follow. The first two of these schemes are located in Hemyock and Bampton. Separately we have agreed in principal to purchase the 1 bed z pod demonstration unit previously showcased at CVLC in Cullompton at a discounted price.
d) What if any progress has been made in the specific funding application for the Tiverton project?
Answer: A full detailed application has been made with Homes England (HE). A final decision will be made in September.
e) Can you confirm negotiations with HE have continued around general funding opportunities and when?
Answer: Yes we have continued to hold regular meetings with HE. At HE’s request between June and July 2022 we submitted a tentative potential pipeline of social rent schemes over the next 5 years but HE require significant confidence that planning permission will be granted. In addition we have identified that both the St Andrews and Shapland Place schemes may be eligible for parallel additional funding.
If secured all external funding will ease Housing Revenue Account borrowing requirements
and support the delivery of the wider programme.
f) What is the general consensus on possible HE funding of modular schemes within our area?
Answer: Very positive with a wide in-principle aspiration to support our social rent, MMC and carbon zero schemes. However, any grant decision is made by HE on a case by case basis.
Why has no progress been made in the last five
months against the inherited plan given members universally agree
for the need for social housing and identified and funded
opportunities have been inherited?
Answer: Significant progress has been made and further plans are in place to deliver a wider programme over the next 5 years as I have set out through a mix of traditional and MMC modular schemes. For example, 12 schemes are planned in total for 2023/2024.
The Cabinet Member urged all Members to attend the Mid Devon Housing Development Programme briefing being held the following evening.
Cllr B Holdman asked the Cabinet Member for Community Well Being why they still hadn’t received an update on the situation with the front desk at Tiverton Police Station? The Cabinet Member replied that the Police and Crime Commissioner was leading on this and he would be attending a meeting in September with her and he would raise the matter with her.
Cllr Mrs N Wolloatt asked the Cabinet Member for Housing and Property Services the following questions:
How is
the z pod project at St Andrews Cullompton progressing?
Planning permission
was granted in February. Is everything
going smoothly
with the project? Has off
site modular construction commenced yet?
When do we anticipate
construction on site to commence and what is
the anticipated completion
Answer: Yes off-site modular construction is underway and
site work will start in September. Completion will be late
December/early January.
2. Finding additional
parking spaces was part of the conditions of
permission, I’m aware that a location has been identified
and that it was
hoped to submit a planning
application for this during August. I have not
seen any application come
through as yet. Please will you update
we can expect to see that
application submitted?
It was intended to go to Planning in August, but we are waiting on
report from Highways, as
soon as it is received we will progress