To consider the planning applications contained in the list.
The Committee considered the applications in the *Plans list.
Note: *List previously circulated and attached to the minutes.
a) Application 22/00675/MARM - Reserved matters in respect of (access, appearance, landscaping, layout, scale and drainage) for spine road connecting Phase 1 to Phase 2, following Outline approval 14/00881/MOUT at Land at NGR 298065 112985 (South of Blundells Road), West Manley Lane, Tiverton.
The Area Planning Officer outlined the application by way of a presentation which highlighted the site location plan, Tiverton EUE illustrative framework plan, aerial view with the location of spine road extension, general arrangement plan, photographs of spine road and the proposed location for breach of the hedge.
In response to public questions the officer stated that the questions would be addressed as part of her presentation.
The officer explained that the application before Members did not pre determine any future applications and that the applicant had acknowledged that the road could be sacrificed if future applications required amendments. The footpath and cycle ways would be reviewed in the next phase of development. She explained that the extension to the spine road was to allow access to construction and welfare compounds, a contractor car park and material store, the location of which had been approved through the discharge of Condition 14 of application 14/00881/MOUT.
Consideration was given to:
· Confirmation the spine road extension could be sacrificed if the next stage of development required it to be relocated
· That the Tiverton Neighbourhood Plan, once adopted, would be considered by the developers in future applications
· The views of the applicant who stated that the road extension required full planning permission so that a licence could be obtained to break through the hedge. The phase 2 residential application included all cycle links but the road extension was required to allow access to the site compound and offices.
It was therefore RESOLVED that planning permission be granted subject to conditions as recommended by the Development Management Manager.
(Proposed by Cllr B A Moore and seconded by Cllr J M Downes)
Reason for the decision: As set out in the report
i. Cllrs B Holdman and B G J Warren requested that their abstention from voting be recorded
ii. Mr Cattermole spoke as the applicant
b) Application 21/01420/FULL - Erection of an agricultural building, polytunnels and raised beds, septic tank and provision of new vehicular access at Land at NGR 289870 116865, Stoodleigh Cross, Stoodleigh.
The Area Team Leader outlined the application by way of a presentation which highlighted the site location plan, aerial image, block plan, plans and elevations, access plan and photographs of the site.
The officer explained that there had been some unauthorised development of the site which included the creation of a new access point. This unauthorised access point, alongside the original lawful access to the sites have been conditioned to be removed following provision of the single access point proposed as part of this application, should planning permission be granted.
Consideration was given to:
It was therefore RESOLVED that the decision be deferred for a full committee site visit to determine compliance to Policies S14 & DM20 specifically:
· If the application preserved and enhanced the character, appearance and biodiversity whilst promoting sustainable diversification of the rural economy
· If the application was sensitively located to limit any adverse effects on the living conditions of local residents, was well designed and respected the character and appearance of the area
(Proposed by L J Cruwys and seconded by Cllr B G J Warren)
c) Application 20/00273/MFUL - Erection of 9 dwellings, conversion of barns to 5 dwellings, with associated works including access improvements and landscaping (Revised Scheme) at Halberton Court Farm, High Street, Halberton
The Area Team Leader outlined the application by way of a presentation which highlighted the site location plan, aerial view, block plan, S38 layout, conceptual renders, sections, plot designs and photographs of the site.
The officer explained that the site was in a conservation area with a number of listed building adjacent but that the Conservation Officer had stated that there was a slight change to the visually important space but that the change was minimal.
Consideration was given to:
It was therefore RESOLVED that planning permission be granted subject to conditions and the signing of a S106 agreement as recommended by the Development Management Manager.
(Proposed by B A Moore and seconded by J M Downes
Reason for the decision: As set out in the report
Supporting documents: