To receive any questions relating to items on the agenda from the public and replies thereto.
Mr Paul Elstone asked the following questions:
Before I ask my questions, allow me to introduce myself.
I am a Tiverton Town Councillor for the Lowan Ward – The ward closest to Red Linhay.
I live on Blundells Road and therefore am witness to the excesses of Red Linhay more than many if not most.
Given the questions I am going to ask I need to set some important context. This by validating things said.
I am a member of a multi-disciplined team made up of Farmers, Environmental and Energy Specialists, Accountants, and Councillors of various political persuasions who have been investigating Anaerobic Digester operations across Mid and East Devon for nearly 3 years.
I personally met twice with Neil Parish in his DEFRA Role and along with two others to provide evidence. This in support of him raising AD plant operating issues with the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Additionally in preparing a case for matters to be brought before a Parliamentary Select Committee at his suggestion.
Are the Committee Members aware that the MDDC Planning Officer has recommended approval of the massively oversized silage clamp and an application coming before MDDC Planning Committee tomorrow. That in doing so the Planning Officer says there will be little or no impact on the local environment or road network?
Is this committee aware that the silage clamp will contain enough silage to feed the registered heard of 17 Charolais cows and 23 calves born since 2020 for around 45 years assuming a 6 month indoor outdoor feeding cycle.
That the silage clamp will take around 500 18 ton loads of grass silage delivered by tractor to fill. That the Planning Officer has stated that there will be no additional impact on the road network as a result?
Is this committee aware that when MDDC agreed the AD Plant Transport Plan as a condition of the application approval, a plan that not only defined agreed transport routes but which also stated there would be 748 loads per year of either feedstock or digestate over the year, that 264 of these loads would be on farm only?
Red Linhay weighbridge data shows that over the period August 2021 to August 2022 there were 3,972 loads passing across the Red Linhay weighbridge or 3,231 more than the planning application said there would be.
To indicate further concerns about Red Linhay in detailed checks of Red Linhay weighbridge data in a previous year and data provided BY Red Linhay to MDDC has revealed that Invalid Carriages, Quad Bikes, Ford Escorts and Mercedes Cars have all transported 25 ton loads of feedstock to Red Linhay and many times.
Is this committee aware that the transport route plan has the Blundells School Campus out of bounds given its over 3000 pupil road crossings per day. Despite this over 200 tractor movements per day and related to Red Linhay have been witnessed and routinely.
Similarly Halberton High Street has been witness to over 200 tractor movements per day.
Is this committee aware that the Anaerobic Digester is producing over twice as much electricity as the planning condition permits Figures from OFGEM month on month over 1000 Kilo watts per hour exported yet planning condition is for 500 kilo watts per hour produced. This in part explains the high tractor movements.
This gross over production was reported to MDDC Executive Officers and in a face to face meeting several months ago but so far no evidence of any enforcement action is in evidence.
Are the committee aware of the extent of the Red Linhay transport movements in Mid Devon and up to over a 20 mile radius which cover the following locations. Most of which the Red Linhay planning approval Transport Statement does not permit:
Tiverton - including Blundells School Campus
Bolham, Halberton, Willand, Cullompton, Uplowman, Craze Lowman, Sampford Peverell
Holcombe Rogus, Wellington, Bickleigh, Rewe, Crediton, Copplestone and Bow
- Amongst others
In response the Chairman stated that none of the questions were within the remit of the JAC to reply to. The Committee could only comment on issues as they affected the Canal. The questions were better addressed to the Planning Enforcement team or the Planning Committee itself. He also confirmed that the JAC had already made a representation regarding this site.
Note: Cllrs Mrs C Collis, L Cruwys and R F Radford declared personal interests as they were members of the MDDC Planning Committee.