To receive any questions relating to items on the agenda from members of the public and replies thereto.
Ian Johnson asked:
1. It was unfortunate that there was a small error in the number of Conservation Areas in the Parish in the published Plan. This was a typographical error and is easily corrected. Can it be confirmed that this has no impact of the Adoption of The Plan and does not affect the implementation of its policies, not as reported in the Cabinet minutes?
2. On a member’s comment at the Cabinet meeting that the publicity could have been better, please confirm that this was about MDDC’s communications, not those generated by The Plan Team, noting that we put in huge efforts, spent £1,000s on our Communications Plan, and used many local networks to get the message out?
3. The Referendum turnout may have been small, but that is always the way with local polls that are not coincident with other polls, such as district and county ones. Cullompton and others had the advantage of their Referendums in 2021 being at the same time as District elections last year, all postponed by the pandemic. Can the Council confirm that that factor was not taken into account when the comments about turnout were made?
Finally, we wish to record our thanks to the Forward Planning Team for their guidance and support throughout the four years.
In response to the questions asked the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economic Regeneration stated:
Answer to question 1:
It is noted that this was a small error and it does not detract from the achievement of the Neighbourhood Plan group in achieving this significant milestone. The factual error does not affect the policies of the Neighbourhood Plan or the adoption of the plan, and where the Neighbourhood Plan Policy T5: ‘Design of Development’ refers to ‘conservation areas’ this will apply to all 9 conservation areas in the parish.
Answer to question 2:
I believe that it may have been a reference to Mid Devon District Council’s communications, but I can confirm that the Local Authority is restricted in terms of what it is allowed and able to do in terms of supporting communications around neighbourhood plans. In this case, as with other neighbourhood plans, Mid Devon District Council did undertake considerable communications to support the process – including issue press releases and contacting people who had previously made representations about the plan at the submission stage. Mid Devon District Council is aware of the considerable efforts of the Tiverton Neighbourhood Plan Team in terms of supporting communication activity throughout the lifetime of the project.
Answer to question3:
I agree that the referendum turnouts for the neighbourhood plans are often lower than for other types of election or where other elections do not take place at the same time. The turnout – 12.3% - is also not significantly different from other referendums elsewhere in the country in the recent past – for example, I know that recent neighbourhood plan referendums in Henley, Oxfordshire and Harleston, Norfolk achieved 15.3% and 16.4% turnout respectively. I would therefore reiterate and acknowledge the significant achievement of the Neighbourhood Plan Team in reaching the milestone of adoption of the plan.