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Agenda item

Masterplan - Cullompton North West Urban Extension (00-11-35)

To receive a report of the Head of Planning and Regeneration requesting that the masterplan be approved for consultation


The Cabinet had before it a report * of the Head of Planning and Regeneration requesting it to consider the draft Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document for stage 2 public consultation.


The Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Regeneration outlined the contents of the report explaining that the Allocations and Infrastructure Development Plan Document (AIDPD) was adopted in January 2010 following extensive public consultation and examination by a Planning Inspector. It allocated sites for development in order to meet the Core Strategy’s growth requirements. A large proportion of this growth was to be accommodated within urban extensions.


An area of 74.8 ha to the north west of Cullompton was allocated for development  within the AIDPD.  The allocation comprised of : mixed use development, 1100 houses with 35% affordable housing and at least 5 gypsy and traveller pitches, 40,000 sq m employment floorspace, transport provision including a road linking Willand Road with Tiverton Road, primary school, local centre, community facilities and 28 hectares of green infrastructure.

The masterplanning of the site had been informed by a range of surveys and studies which sought to understand the constraints to development and in particular how much development could be delivered, where within the site in relation to green infrastructure areas. Topics considered included transport and access, ecology, landscape and visual impact, topography, drainage and flooding archaeology, heritage and utilities.

A first round of public consultation had taken place between 12th September and 12th October 2014, followed by a workshop of stakeholders. The first stage consultation focused on key issues around the amount of development and how it was distributed across the site in relation to the green infrastructure, access options and the location and amount of employment land and also the location of the primary school, sports pitches and gypsy and traveller pitches. From the first consultation period a  total of 65 valid responses  had been received. Key issues identified included the need to prioritise the delivery of highway improvements and the primary school.


The first stage public consultation specifically considered 2 options for the boundaries between the area identified for development and the green infrastructure. The first option looked at the area as allocated. Additional site investigation and survey resulted in an estimate of 700 houses being able to be delivered within the areas identified. This lower quantum of housing would not be able to deliver all the necessary infrastructure and community benefits.

A second option considered redrawing the boundaries between the area to be developed and the green infrastructure, whilst keeping within the overall site area as allocated. This redistribution of development was estimated to deliver 1000 houses, which would still meet the policy requirement for at least 28 hectares of green infrastructure. The higher housing numbers that could be achieved  through this option would generate more development value and therefore more funding towards infrastructure and community benefits as required by policy.

The responses from the public consultation over this and other key issues had informed the emerging masterplan work.

Following an assessment of the consultation responses, a draft masterplan had been prepared which sought to provide guidance on how the site would come forward in a comprehensive way to deliver common infrastructure, coordinate phasing and how future planning applications should address design issues and deliver planning aspirations for the urban extension.

The Head of Planning and Regeneration identified by way of presentation the proposed development identifying the topography of the site, the use of the 3 hilltops and the links created between Tiverton Road and Willand Road and the local components which would create a sustainable neighbourhood. The placement of the community facilities were identified, that of the new primary school, and community building, the local centre for community facilities, the residential area and the green infrastructure area.  There was also the possibility that part of the sports provision could be provided off site to supplement existing sports and recreation in other parts of the town.

She identified the housing trajectory and the proposed timeline for development and explained the proposed delivery of the link road between Tiverton Road and Willand Road and the fact that it would be funded by the sale of initial land parcels and identified the other triggers within the masterplan which included the delivery of the primary school in the early stages of development.

She addressed the questions put at the beginning of the meeting: the impact of the development on St Georges Well, this would be a temporary access to the site to allow for the construction of the link road to take place from either end of the development; traffic modelling had taken place indicating that the road was suitable.  It would be possible at the application stage to impose conditions covering construction management to address the concerns of local residents.  With regard to traffic issues on Willand Road, it was proposed that traffic calming measures be put in place; the construction of the link road would give an alternative route to the town centre.

With regard to the community garden at the rear of the doctors surgery: she was aware of the request and it had been proposed in the Local Plan Review, however an objection had been received and it would therefore have to be considered by the Planning Inspector when determining the Local Plan.

The Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Regeneration informed the meeting that a second round of public consultation was now proposed over 6 weeks between 20th August to 1st October 2015 and explained the process to be followed as identified in the report.

Consideration was given to:


The proposed traffic calming measures in Willand Road and the location of the primary school and whether there was room for expansion.

The affordable housing on the site and the need to protect the percentage proposed.

The need for the road link to be put in place early in the development plans.

With regard to the community garden, local residents were urged to make their views known on this in the consultation process.

The support of the proposal by the Chairman of the Planning Committee.

Age appropriate housing to be considered.

The implications of the development on J28 of the motorway.




a) the draft Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document be submitted for public consultation.


b) delegated authority be given to the Head of Planning and Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Regeneration to finalise the consultation material.


(Proposed by Cllr R J Chesterton and seconded by Cllr C R Slade)


Note:  * Report previously circulated copy attached to minutes.


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