1. Motion 590 (Councillor S Penny – 16 January 2023)
The council agrees that a review of the current practice of housing allocation by Devon Home Choice takes place. A number of residents have raised concerns over the lack of available social housing opportunities for the people of Mid Devon within the current scheme.
2. Motion 591 (Councillor Mrs N Woollatt – 8 February 2023)
That this Council recognises that in order for the taxpayers to have faith in the ability of the Mid Devon District Council to make effective and transparent decisions that there has to be a fundamental change in the decision making process.
That this Council also acknowledges that in a mature democracy there is a need for inclusive government which enables all members to make a valuable contribution in the running of the Council.
Therefore this Council resolves to change from the Cabinet system of governance to a modernised committee system to be implemented from the Annual meeting of 2024.
3. Motion 592 (Councillor C J Eginton – 9 February 2023)
As per the Constitution, Article 6 - The Executive (Cabinet) 6.3(d) Removal of the Leader, I wish to formally submit and propose the following motion: That, Cllr Bob Deed, be removed from the position of the Leader of the Council with immediate effect.
(Should Motion 592 be carried, the election of a Leader would be required)
1. Motion 590 (Councillor S Penny – 16 January 2023)
The Council has before it a MOTION submitted for the first time:
The Council agrees that a review of the current practice of housing allocation by Devon Home Choice takes place. A number of residents have raised concerns over the lack of available social housing opportunities for the people of Mid Devon within the current scheme.
The MOTION was MOVED by Councillor S J Penny and Seconded by Councillor F W Letch
In accordance with Procedure Rule 14.4, the Chairman of the Council had ruled that this Motion be dealt with at this meeting.
Consideration was given that:
· A review was necessary.
· It was challenging for local people to remain in their local area.
· Mid Devon District Council’s own policy needed to be reviewed and it was felt that there was a lack of available social housing opportunities.
· There was a need for affordable homes to be built.
Cllr G Barnell MOVED an AMENDMENT, Seconded by Cllr R Evans that:
“The Scrutiny Committee to conduct an investigation both into the allocation policy and into the delivery of social and affordable rented housing by the Council.”
Therefore the amended motion would read:
This Council agrees that a review of the current practice of housing allocation by Devon Home Choice takes place, together with a review of the Council’s performance and plans in delivering affordable and social rented housing. A number of residents have raised concerns over the lack of available social housing opportunities for the people of Mid Devon within the current scheme. The Council resolves to ask the Scrutiny Committee to commission this review and to report to Council and Cabinet as soon as possible.
Upon a vote being taken, the AMENDMENT was declared to have CARRIED.
2. Motion 591 (Councillor Mrs N Woollatt – 8 February 2023)
The Council has before it a MOTION submitted for the first time:
That this Council recognises that in order for the taxpayers to have faith in the ability of the Mid Devon District Council to make effective and transparent decisions that there has to be a fundamental change in the decision making process.
That this Council also acknowledges that in a mature democracy there is a need for inclusive government which enables all members to make a valuable contribution in the running of the Council.
Therefore this Council resolves to change from the Cabinet system of governance to a modernised Committee system to be implemented from the Annual Meeting of 2024.
The MOTION was MOVED by Councillor N Woollatt and Seconded by Councillor L Taylor.
In accordance with Procedure Rule 14.4, the Chairman of the Council had ruled that this Motion be dealt with at this meeting.
Consideration was given to:
· On the 17 March 2021, Council voted to retain the Cabinet system. That work was undertaken by the Governance Working Group be noted.
· That the method of governance should not be imposed onto the new administration.
· This resolution would not commit the Council to a Committee system. This motion implied that council moved away from the Cabinet system.
· Should be referred to the Standards Committee.
· Should not go back to the old Committee system style.
· This would be for a modernised Committee system.
· There’s the possibility for savings to be made with the Committee system.
· This topic had been discussed at the Standards Committee.
· The District Solicitor and Monitoring Officer stated that if members indicate to go to a Committee system we would take this as a steer to go away and start preparing the governance framework for this type of system and that it would need to be brought back to Full Council for a final decision at some point in the future.
Cllr J Downes MOVED an AMENDMENT, Seconded by Cllr C J Eginton that:
This motion be referred to the Standards Committee to be reviewed.
Upon a vote being taken, the AMENDMENT was declared to have FAILED.
Upon a vote being taken the MOTION was declared to have been CARRIED.
3. Motion 592 (Councillor C J Eginton – 9 February 2023)
This motion was withdrawn.