To consider the planning applications contained in the list.
The Committee considered the application in the *Plans List.
Note: *List previously circulated and attached to the minutes.
a) 23/00073/MFUL – Change of use of A Block (1040 sqm) from D1 (Non Residential Institutions) to B8 (storage or distribution) at Petroc, Bolham Road, Tiverton.
The Area Team Leader outlined the contents of the report by way of presentation which highlighted the following:
· The position of the application site within the Petroc campus.
· Consideration of the safeguarding impacts.
· The proposed hours of operation which were 8.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday and 8.30am to 2.00pm on Saturday’s.
· Security arrangements both during operating hours and overnight.
· Photographs showing the view from the building, looking towards the entrance, views to the south and the roads left and right.
· The proposed parking area was also illustrated in addition to the gates and entrances into and out of the building for the customers to use.
· Some initial objections had been made by the Economic Development Team who were concerned about the potential loss of education provision.
· Highways had raised no objections.
Consideration was given to:
· The continuing lack of educational facilities for 16 – 18 year olds in the local area, students having to attend colleges in Exeter or Taunton in order to study for ‘A’ levels.
· The expansion of the town due to the growing number of new housing developments creating more young people needing post 16 education.
· Highways concerns, especially along Kennedy Way and Bolham Road during school opening and closing hours.
· The type and extent of the proposed security arrangements.
· Granting a time limited permission was not an option.
· Concerns regarding the company’s business plan was not a material planning consideration.
· A discussion relating to the different models of education was not relevant to this application.
It was therefore RESOLVED that planning permission be granted subject to conditions.
(Proposed by Cllr S Clist and seconded by Cllr F Letch MBE)
Reason for the Decision – as set out in the report.
(i) The Agent spoke. An invitation was extended by the Chief Executive from Petroc to come and talk to Members about existing and future plans at Petroc.
(ii) Cllr Tim Bridger spoke as a representative from Tiverton Town Council.
b) 23/00896/FULL – Redevelopment of site for the erection of a Chapel of Rest and Funeral Parlour (Use Class E) at High Street, Cullompton, Devon.
The Area Planning Officer outlined the contents of the report by way of presentation which highlighted the following:
· Two main issues had been considered in relation to the application, access and the impact of the design on the Conservation Area.
· Highways had no objection to the application.
· Concerns regarding the safety of pedestrians had been considered and a condition included to restrict the vehicles using the yard to those using or visiting the business only.
· The Conservation Officer had had some initial concerns and had suggested some changes including the removal of a clock feature which would have been too grand. They were now satisfied that the design better reflected the historic character of the site.
· Photographs were shown showing what the site looked like now, where the bus stop was in relation to the site, where and what the surrounding buildings were which fully enclosed the site in question.
Consideration was given to:
· The yard at the rear of the site being big enough to allow the turning of large vehicles, it was confirmed that it was.
· Safeguarding issues regarding the use of nearby buildings by children.
· A standard archaeological condition was included such that no development could take place on the site until a ‘written scheme of investigation’ had been submitted and approved by the Local Planning Authority.
· Concerns regarding the safety of pedestrians were expressed due to the busy nature of the pathway and the blind corner upon exiting the site.
· Highways would not support the use of mirrors or cameras and were keen to stress that access permission had already been granted and concerns regarding the position of the bus stop had already been tested at appeal.
· Appropriate signage into and out of the site, bearing in mind the site was in a Conservation Area, might address some of the concerns regarding pedestrian safety.
It was therefore RESOLVED that planning permission be grantedsubject to conditions with an additional condition requiring additional safety measures to be agreed in relation to the access, including appropriate signage, and that delegated authority be given to the Development Management Manager, the Chairman of Planning Committee and the Ward Member to agree appropriate wording.
(Proposed by the Chairman)
Reason for the Decision – as set out in the report.
(i) One of the Ward Members, Cllr James Buczkowski spoke.
(ii) Cllr S Clist declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and a Personal Interest in relation to item 2 on the Plans List – the redevelopment of site and erection of a Chapel of Rest and Funeral Parlour (Use Class E) at 19 High Street, Cullompton, Devon – since the applicant was known to him and had arranged funerals in the past for his family. He would leave the meeting for the duration of this item.
Supporting documents: