To receive a report summarising the work that has taken place with regard to the canal since the last meeting.
Committee had before it, and NOTED, a report * from the Country Park Manager summarising the work that had taken place on the Canal since the last meeting. A brief discussion took place regarding the following issues:
Lowdwells Culvert
Phase 1 of the works was almost complete. Phase 2 was to focus on improving the culvert under the road to reduce flooding. Designs had been drawn up by the DCC Bridges and Structures engineers and were now awaiting final costings before allocating capital funding to continue the work hopefully in time for summer 2024.
Mr Brind thanked Devon County Council as the culverts were part of the life blood of the canal.
Silt pollution in Sampford Peverell
The Canal Manager explained that measures had been put in place on the site but if high rainfall continued then the settlement ponds would be overcome and silty water would enter the canal. He informed the Committee that the Environment Agency advised that it fell well below Category 2 incident (a point at which they would consider prosecution) and that it was not likely to reach that level.
Mid Devon District Council (MDDC) funding cut
This would be discussed under Agenda Item 8.
Tiverton Canal Co Tourism Award
Mr Brind informed the Committee that the award was in the Best Small Visitor Attraction of the Year category and wished to thank the Committee as the award was due to all the work that everyone contributed in keeping the canal maintained and beautiful.
50th Anniversary of the horse-drawn barge operating on the Canal
Mr Brind explained that an open day would take place on the 13th July where celebrations would be held in the Canal Basin. The Horse Drawn Barge began on 13th July 1974 so it would be exactly 50 years to the day that it had been running. They would not be trading on this day and so visitors would be invited onboard to look at the barge and displays. He invited everyone to come along and enjoy the day.
The Canal Manager explained that a small working group had been progressing plans for the event and also wished to thank Cllr Duchesne for all her support with organising the celebrations.
Sale of the Ducks Ditty floating café-bar
Mr Brind explained that negotiations were still taking place and hoped to update the Committee at the next meeting.
Ash Dieback-related tree works
Annual surveys were undertaken where recommendations would be given to DCC for the relevant work to be carried out. A lot of trees were still having to be removed. DCC Highways were paying for this work.
Memorial tree at Fossend Wharf
Jane Pilgrim passed on her thanks for the care and consideration given to this.
Landslip at Greenway cutting
There had been another small slip since the one mentioned in the report which would be cleared up. For the moment it was manageable with clearing the slips away as and when they happened. They were potentially caused by the bank/hedge trimming tractor cutting into the foot of the cutting which took away some of the support. Unless this was reinstated then small slips would continue. In future the use of a small tractor to cut that part of the canal would be looked into.
New Noticeboards
Two noticeboards would hopefully be installed in March or April though it was not yet agreed where these would be placed as this depended upon the outcome of a funding application for more noticeboards which was pending.
Note: * Report previously circulated.
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